\ iiss Amderson has tho unqualified rosamandation of y,, sail education departmente She is very bright and capeblee lier sosiel backgroud qualifies her to nest any situation. She has a thorough Sey sgn eet phases of her profession, ny practical she will male one of the outstanding wonen teachers in z Miss Henry has developed much in poise and self-confidence in her teaching abilitye She has the admiration and respect of her teachers and studentse She has sound knowledge of her subject matter, her qualities of leadership are excellent, she is energetic and cooperatives Miss Henry has a delightful personality, and is an attractive, personable young womane I am glad to recommend her most whole-heartedlye eos Nie "211" Groone is ono of the ovtwtanding more of Physical Eduentione Tie is a fine student and athlete, olen-owt, serious in his intentions, Mre Raymond Swanson took his Master's degree in ow department of Physical Education in June, 19359- He did excellent work, and showed promise of becaning a fine teacher. He is now in his first year of teaching, and we learn that he is most successfull. Mr. Swanson is very conscientious in all his works is mentally alert, cooperative, of high character, and in his daily living sets a fine example to youmg meme I am very happy to recommend hime | oe fl iat i aay é a Hab.