August 6, 1940 aes % the present time Mrse Sans has been assisting me on the University recreation ground this sumer and I find her ea very dependable and energetic workers She came in with high eonendation from her teachers this past year and I am glad to recamend her un] | qualifiedive : | one oe vee the position that she is in makes it necessary that she support her two childreng I have always hada high regard fora —/ ae Parent who sacrificer for his own and I em sure thet Mree Sams is no yORPs Mise Sems is intelligent, capable and trustworthy, and | having been well grounded in her work I believe that she is a very safe type but is founded on experience and study. we | TELNET | __ 2 would thank you to use your good influences in her behalf, It would be a decided pleasure for me to reciprocate your — Kindness et any opportinitye Your an epistie fron me concerning » but T think tat he dodutleas that he may find aiff. in reporting regularlye However, I want you ‘to lmow that he is an excellent tasketball player and a fine little gentlemne i can recall those years of 190%~9 when you played on the basketball team and I can see so many characteristics of his that renind me of yells | 2; ‘With all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, j FCAglg Director of Physical Education and Recreation “a Varsity Basketball Coach Cas Mrs “Sams lwerybody wes Somenee! planed with the Job eal tae tay wd landlods To Tavis goos no guall part of the oradite _ 0 mb sng for foe th 32 ne dt tags iis dit an anaes ont oa aie coment ag though 5 hed net weittten yous Of course J coreeosate tay Daly . il pstaaegnbebenpenbarsedgegbylairast cot ts aay yA sos S Rares _Stomarety ome, 3 Day Letter = Auge 20, 1940 HOUSTON, TEXAS COACH FORREST C. ALLEN PLEASE WIRE COLLECT INFORMATION REGARDING KENNETH MESSNER. SUPPOSE TO HAVE PLAYED FRESHMAN BASKETBALL LAST YEAR AT KANSAS. HAS SISTER LIVING HERE AND WANTS TO ATTEND RICE THIS YEAR. BUSTER BRANNON Dey Letter forwarded to Topeka, High School Coaching Schoole Ne are lowing tomorrow morning for Louisville to visit == WiSheSe . Fraternelly yours, eer ere een Director of Physical Mducation and Recreation Varsity | : Coach ! ae August 26, 2049 I have imown Mr. Owen for seven yenrs. Hia feather is paproinceonine tr “mgygemiendinrp Rryewmstnor tages gees: Aipcary ‘Zam hapgy to recomend Kirk Owen without reservation or evasion, I have great confidences in iim, in addition to e fine physique, he has a most pleasing personalitys Very cordially yours, Director of Piysical Sduoation and Reoreation ei Varsity Basketball Coach , Boulder, Colorado. August 22, 1940. Dear Doctor: And here I am one man against the world but it's a cinch the way things are going I'll never starve. I'm moving to Denver Saturday and I have two good jobs lined up with two big companies there, in: fact I think I'm going to be able to take my choice but both companies want letters of introduction because I'm not known at all in Denver. I'm writing to you and asking if you would write one of these letters for me----tell them just exately what kind of a guy you think I an. I haven't been home since March and I'd kinda like to see the old home town again and also Mt. Oread but perhaps I can see it when I get my first vacation. It's a little time before basketball season gets under way but anyway good luck and I know that NCAA first place flag will fly from K. U's. hill come next March. Please tell Mrs. Allen and your son and daughter hello for me and I do thank you for the letter of introduction. Very sincerely yours, 1403 Cherokee St. Denver, Colorado. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS COMMITTEE ON SCHOLARSHIPS LAWRENCE, KANSAS | beg to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your communication concerning Wr. Curvin Greene. Chairman. <. ine tnnbety ke 0 wihtbh, abtnative, iia ied wei th tremendously in her teaching skillse She has high ities of initiative and leadership, she is intellectwlly alert, and hasa ee i fin Sane May So. PORE rv wholeheartedly. Physical Education tam very happy to recommend Miss Ruth Baker as an outstanding Physical Wducation Miss Amivews, whose minor is in public school music, Stee ea nnting waren majors’ in yhyaieds educations She makes a very pleasing appearance, her social qualities are of the } she is ine telligent in social and professional matter She handles her classes with dignity and poise. I am very happy to recommend her whole-heartedlye Will receive BeSe in Education Sphendid in Jue, 1940 Excellent None Of the highest Sal Highest quality Bxoellent | Highest quality Very good During her four years eas en undergraduate | : She has been in a mmber of elasses which I have taught , University of Kensas Miss Andrews is a very intelligent, talented yomg wanmane She is attractive, well-mannered, and condusts herself at all times in an CC MANNE? © She will make a splendid teachers University of Kansas 3 | ae Director of Physical Education ‘ L liss Andrews, whose minor is in public school music, is one of the outstanding women majors in physical educations She makes a very pleasing appearance, her ee te os ee oe in social and professional matterse She has marled ability to handle classes in dancing, but a eee Franks Anneberg is a mature young man of much experiences He has taught quite successfully for several years, and is in school this year conpleting work for his master's degrees He is an oute standing gymmste He has-a very serious conviction as to the values of physical education and ite possible constructive effects upon youths He is clean, persomble, and does not use narcotics — or alcoholics in any forme In my opinion he is a wery safe young man to deal with young mone April 9, 1940. mpheedid entertains, ond he hme & very sevleu olerdation ne Se re Sn Oe RUE PRDe euentiee tive effects upon youths He is clean, personable, and does not use narcotics or alcoholics in any wiye In my opinion, he is a very safe Director of Physical Education University of Kensas, Lawrence, Kansas Eugene Billups is one of the outstanding men in the physical education department. He is keenly interested in his work, and shows great pramise of growthe le has a fine persomlity, is cultured and wellemamered, neat in appearances He is very dependable, conscientious, cooperative, and hes much ability in -the way of leadership and initiative. I am very happy to recamend him without reservation or evasions In my opinion, he will be a very successful teacher. Physical Education March 26, 1940. Director of Physical Education and Recreation, - Varsity Basketball Coache 4 m He : : giB2 he ay hi ia Cun Ht ye: ate aii Hise i aneltia abseil: ae a3! Hip alk He il ea eh i i ht alls Physical Education gents 3g ? 3 bee Sa » but in my that I will recamend without taken my basketball course, and I or basketball conehe In my opinion, varsity football Physioal Education Fred Harris has always been a splendid athlete and a seriouseminded student. Tis acadenic work suffered as a result of too much football, but that was not the boy's fault. He hung on doggedly to get his AeBe the Department of Journaliame However, he was not satisfied because he Ins always desired to conch therefore he happy to reemmend him as a safe and valuable young men to deal with . ° me coves youth eri the pus, and I tn eonvineel Gat be ine Ge ehuatianl pu lercsty youthe ee ee Nelson Soren is a fine young man who has several years of successful teachings le is a fine athlete and coach, having played varsity football here at the thiversity of Kansase Ee ee eee ee eee intelligent, a good leader, and an excellent teacher His social quelities are above average. His health and vitality are excellent. Director of Physical Education University of Kansas April 9, 1940. cients Mean Kb Diba; din vans wey highly intetligent. iota iat whaiiaianives pambdeien te a fine teacher. He imows his subject matter a fine athlete and coach, and cooperative superiorse . Ege E A f ie Physical Educatione Physical Education iiss Learmard is a vory bright student, intelligent, and capable. She has high qualities of initiative and imagination. She is thoroughly cooperative, is well~balanced in her judgnent. She is welleliked by her teachers and fellow-students, and in our Spiele che viii nniey on sorsettent Gengher Sn hee choem: fields 2 oe Se Seay Se neem deh \