: you, todk Cavemadity 4 4a wen ta Oe ecards for this your. Mayoe it will be sometime in the future, we hopte LI trust thet you will have another great team, as you heve had this mst yeare Wath all good wishes, I an ASSOCIATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF OREGON : EUGENE DEPARTMENT OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS _ May 10, 1939 : Mr. Forrest Allen ses cs | Director of Athletics oH University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Coach Allen: ee Thanks very much for your nice letter of _ May 6. I am very sorry that we could not get together oe for a game this coming winter. ; es : _ IT have not as yet filled the date of Yecember 27, and if it should be that you can get per- : _ mission to play the geme in Kansas City, I wish you | would still keep us in mind and let me know. One or two schools have contacted us for thet date, but I do not believe we will accept anything until after your meeting the latter part of May. * =. | ce | | ‘ee With best wishes, I am, Yours sincerely, Kevcinn Meh 7 Howard Hobson Basketball & Baseball Coach . April 15, 1939 » al i bhi flee ais ti : daa st3I eel ; e Hh af 1 icles dif i : i ch By .. ts HSB s iF 3 id 4, fet if jail tials he Hen ay) af ik . slaalie I enjoyed our Piggsie Lembert end didn*t have a chance, You of boys, and I know that you are very proud of them, be great 8 it gave me your have a visits very watched we igs to sat wi I could see that I vant in San T shall be glad to hear from you again, suggesting possible our game. ey } on, Director of Physical Educati Varsity Basketball Coaches 4 E “nH sit fh dfs 438 ir Lal as; i bis aly Hi i 3 i HH f He gt i ; i 255. il jai | au. i +e £ sis alb is i anything thet I gpmen. i aerate aah saa ke cue Oeeaee : Director of Physionl Bdueation, Varsity Dasketbell Coaches Priday le and will be : Very sincerely yours, DEPARTMENT OF UNIVERSITY OF OREGON EUGENE INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS April 21, 1939 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Forrest: Thanks very much for your nice letter of April 15. I was away when it arrived and this accounts for the delay in answering. I agree with you that it would be fine if we could get together for a game this year. The tentative arrangements for our trip would make it possible for us to offer you the date of December 27 in either Lawrence or Kansas City, preferably the latter, of course. Since we are playing but a few games on our trip this year and the Athletic Board wishes it to be self-supporting, could you give us a guarantee of $750.00, with an option of 50% of the net? Please let me know if this date and guarantee would be satisfactory. I wish to most sincerely thank you for the many favors and courtesies extended to our team and to myself during our stay in San Francisco and Evanston. I also appre- ciate your kind remarks about our boys, and your interest in them. Very best wishes and kindest personal regards. Yours sincerely, Hotty Howard Hobson Sasketball Coach DEPARTMENT OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS PesOCIATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF OREGON EUGENE April 4, 1939 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Athletic Department University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Just a line to thank you for the many courtesies and favors extended to us during our visits in San Francisco and Chicago. I hope that we will be able to arrange a game with each other on our trip next winter. We are playing in New York and Philadelphia on December 16 and 18, and would like to arrange a game with you on the way home. Please let me know what your open dates might be. Our best dates would, I believe, be around December 26 or 27. With very best wishes, I am, Yours sincerely, Aervead, Mobaer Howard Hobson Basketball Coach April 27, 1989. Thank you for your kind letter of the 6th instant regarding the possibility of a gome next winter between Kansas and the Oregon basketball team, I have written to Coach Hobson about such a possibility. With best wishes, I an Sincerely yours, Director of Mhysical néuation, BARTLesvitce, OKLAHOMA: April 6, 1939 Doctor F. C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor: Mr. Hobson, coach of the Oregon Basketball Team, asked me to get in touch with you about the possibility of playing a game with your team at Lawrence between the 26th and 28th of December, 1939. That will be on their way home from playing at the Garden at New York. I saw Mr. Hobson a week ago, and he wanted to be sure to find out about these dates if at all possible. Trusting you will do as you see fit concerning this matter. I am looking forward to seeing you sometime this fall. With kindest personal regards, I am, Cordially yours, yet Chuck Hyatt ~ CH: jd Iowa State College Office of University of Missouri oe Commissioner of Officials Columbia Uni ity of K 4 University of Nebrask niversity 0 ansas Big Six y ebDraska Lawrence Lincoln Intercollegiate Athletic Conference Kansas State College MMenhetea 342 So. Chelsea Avenue KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI University of Oklahoma Norman Jan. 8th. 1940 Dr F.C.Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: Did you get my letter of some time back telling you that due to the change of our game,from the afternoon to the night session, that I would be unable to work your game there Jan.12th.with Kansas" State. : I am not usually surprised at what you accomplish with your Basketball team but you did fool me in your game with Oklahoma.Not the victory,but the size of the score. Very sincerely yours, Apes R.E. Peters. OFFICIAL KANSAS STATE COLLEGE Basketball Program Nebraska | einen Kansas Sit College NICHOLS GYMNASIUM KANSAS STATE 1939-40 BASKETBALL PROGRAM q SUC TCL oO to the Win.BOA ES FIRST NATIONAL BANK UNION NATIONAL BANK JACK GARDNER LUMBER ... And Building Supplies for Everything from a Diamonds Watches DOG HOUSE and to Silver A MANSION e & D Cl Golden Belt Lumber Co. e€ OSE Griffith Coal & Lumber Co. JEWELER Lambert Lumber Co. 110% South Fourth Ramey Bros. Lbr. & Coal Co. FIRST AGAIN — CHEVROLET FOR 1940 KANSAS STATE 1939-40 BASKETBALL PROGRAM 3 POLLOM’S Book Store Stationery Fountain Pens Greeting Cards 321 Poyntz The Perry Packing Co. Eggs and Poultry As you want them, when you want them. & 4q Bardwell & Bardwell Real Estate Loans and Insurance 1908—1939 Dial 3083 * 104 N. 3rd Sam Saroff & Co. Sam Saroff, Mgr. Jays’ Cafe We Help You and Appreciate Your Help. 311 Poyntz The Manhattan Quality Market Quality Meats, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Fancy Groceries Two Trucks Three Telephones 7 Free Deliveries Every Day Dial 3585 307 Poyntz Sherer’s Drug Store Fountain and Lunchette Service 421 Poyntz he q Byrne Bakery 225 Poyntz L The Choice Used Cars Are At Brewer’s NS PERFECTION GUARANTEED Superb blue-white color, maximum brilliancy and guaranteed perfectionmake every Bluebird Diamond an Ace—the best at any price, Robert C. Smith JEWELER 329 Poyntz Avenue ERNIE MILLER Termed by Coach Gardner, “the outstanding man on the squad,” Ernie Miller is out for the season with a fractured jaw. He was in- jured in the Kentucky U. game January 1. This was a serious blow to Gardner’s squad. q Student Temperance Union Industries Dining Hall Laundry Employment Bureau Newspaper (All above projects strictly for KSC Students Benefit.) Here’s to the Wildcats most Successful Basketball Season . STEW Studio Royal 1202 Moro Phone 3434 ) Portraits In The Modern Manner by Laurence Blaker FIRST AGAIN — CHEVROLET FOR 1940 manned KANSAS STATE 1939-40 BASKETBALL PROGRAM Complete Cleaning Service Under One Management Manhattan Laundry Manhattan Cleaners 7 r Aggieville YOUR CAR NEEDS GOOD CARE We Are the Boys That Can Do It! Mears’ Sinclair Service Student Owned and Operated & Dance at the Finest Spring-Floor in Kansas Avalon Ballroom & WARD M.KELLER MANHATIAN’S STORE FOR WOMEN Chappell's lce Cream K-STATE BOOSTERS YELLOW CAB SERVICE DIAL 4407 Athletic Supplies CO-OP BOOK STORE The Choice Used Cars Are At Brewer’s a ee ane armiraine e KANSAS STATE 1939-40 BASKETBALL PROGRAM q Johns Candy Shop Phone 4284 1227 Moro & Slim’s Shamrock Aggieville Good Beer, Sandwiches and Drinks of All Kinds Meet ’em at Slim’s 619 N. 12th Dial 4184 Campus Cleaners ie GRIDIRON CAFE Jesse Griggs, Prop. Tel. 2040 1221 Moro The WAREHAM RATES $1.50 to $3.00 Coffee Shop De Luxe in Connection The GILLETT RATES $1.00 to $2.00 Finest Dining Room in Central Kansas Operated By BOONE HOTEL COMPANY FIRST AGAIN — CHEVROLET FOR 1940 KANSAS STATE 1939-40 BASKETBALL PROGRAM . 617 North Manhattan Dial 4421 @ Bottger Grocery @ FREE DELIVERY pe a Pines Cafe Now Open at Nite Since Remodeling 1203 Moro eINCOMPARABLE . Watch and 3 Jewelry . Repairing BE ON TIME Reed’s Time Shop Sosna Theatre Bldg. HAMILTON and ELGIN WATCHES The Choice Used Cars Are At Brewer’s KANSAS STATE 1939-40 BASKETBALL PROGRAM College Tailors and Cleaners Suits Cleaned Free for 8 POINTS IN GAME 6 FREE THROWS Cc. K. “SHORTY” MILLER Phone 2390 1216 Moro St. ASK US Textbcoks and Supplies College Book Store The Friendly Book Store of Service Nearest the Campus & “Aggie Boosters” DIAMONDS — WATCHES JEWELRY Expert Repairing PAUL DOOLEY JEWELER East Campus Gate Aggieville ab RUN NO RISK... BE SURE IT’S LISK! QUICK SERVICE LOWEST PRICES Lisk Foto Shop 25 Years A Kansas State Booster 1212 Moro KEN GRAHAM VARSITY DRUG STORE DAD and LEO Everything in Drugs - - - - Prescriptions Filled Two Registered Pharmacists To Serve You DELIVERY SERVICE 1224 Moro Phone 2044 FIRST AGAIN — CHEVROLET FOR 1940 - Sap legs, eee KANSAS STATE 1939-40 BASKETBALL PROGRAM (7 © 9 Fags A Different Team Emerges * , Ss ‘ 3 The originator of the old “age of mir- acles has passed” saying must not havé: known Kahsas State’s youthful basket- ball coach Jack Gardner and his methods of developing a‘Big Six basketball team. Wildcat ‘fans will see tonight, a vastly dif- ~ ferent team than the one that began the season not many weeks ago. When the Gardner*squad clashes with Coach Harold W. Browne’s elongated Nebraska Corn- huskers in Nichols Gymnasium the K- Staters will at long last feature a sem- blance of the style cf play for which the west coast is famous. 3 8 While the Nebraskans tower high above the court and specialize in the unexpected, Kansas State can point to a definite im- ~~” provement since the seascn opened. -Pre- season prognosticators predicted the Husk- ers and the Kansas State team would: be-- fighting each other for the Big Six base- - ment spct. - e Surprisingly enough, both the Wildeats and the Cornhuskers have shown their ; opponents they didn’t appreciate the rat-» ing. Nebraska hadn’t read the papers to - the effect the Iowa State Cyclones were supposed to trim them, consequently didn’t oblige the deflated Iowa Staters with any- . thing but an upset victory. After beat- ing Stanford, rated one of the nation’s best teams, the lengthy Huskers ccoled to the extent where Missouri’s co-champions of the Big Six last season were able to win going away. e On the other hand, Coach Gardner’s Wildcats, before tonight’s game, are with- out victory and are determined to use a little of their agricultural knowledge to “husk the Huskers.” The Kansas State team has also played the country’s best, lesing to Kentucky University and DePaul University of Chicago. The Wildcats pushed Oklahoma’s “Boy Scats” until the last seven minutes of the game when Coach Bruce Drake’s company pulled away from the tired K-Staters. “No Chance ——- for Wildcats” was the sentence on every Kansas University fan’s lips but the Jay- hawkers had to cash in on a free throw in the final four-seconds of the game to beat the stubborn Kansas State.team. _@ The tall Nebraskans, to quote Webster are: “high,in stature, reaching upward to a great height relative to the diameter of lateral extent.’% Al Randall, elongated pivotman, stretches six feet seven inches into the atmosphere. Dan Fitz and Sid-. ney Held, guards, both are,in the “sub- stratosphere” class, ‘standing six feet four inches above the court. * 2 Frank Tallman, a forward, is a mite at . six feet cne inch and Harry Pithcaithley, - the other forward, is the team’s baby. He: is only five feet ten and one-half inches tall. week ranked gecond among the confer- ence scorers. He has averaged 9.5 points per game in the two contests thus far this Season. @ With Melvin Seelye and Norris Holstrom, guards, in the “Trojan” roles, ccach Gard-. ner has developed a defense that the two Big Six opponents played were not able to penetrate effectively for clear shots at * the basket. @ Erv Reid, veteran at center, has found his practice range and | is due to start blasting the backboard.” “Chris Langvardt and Robertson are in the forward spots and can rip the netting at the slightest provccation. Danny Howe and Jack Hor- acek, a pair of point-makers fro the sophomores, can relieve handily 4t for- ward. ied ‘ : The Huskers and Wildcats split their” two-game series last year and each is using a new system this season. Coach Browne substitutes players like Elmer Layden of Notre Dame. An entire team of Corn- huskers will report to the officials. Tonight’s game will be the “battle of the basement,” and Kansas State fans are hoping their coach will be cast in the role of “Jack-the-Giant Killer.’”—M. D. H. Pithcaithley, however, early this, +. Ss r io f KANSAS E as al a -_ las - dren Cow Faring an fore Ss SETBALL — D) US ‘aa PS j — ae %. / AFTER /TH}t SAN WSO YQ WDSEE, ih Sosna te THEATRE THE TOR@ENTER[ROAN aa AT OFF Sosna Has the Pictures ? JAMES STEWAR)Pe) A4F GARBT Si} i ae ith jj m Orher), Y anf art reo ) ph 7 a 4 = > (awhatian’s Stora for + eet Col exe é : ea Tee prensa ; Society Bran athes TALLMAN, FRANK_________- F Varsity Tioown cin es 15 GOETZE, HARTMANN__.___- F Interwoven Soc} ~ HELD; SIDNEY221 2c 2_51:2-- G Bosto Mian = Cy alo 4 ae AL SF iePang Sk ge ana ETS c row,—Shias Yl wen hy Oc Hats PROBABLE STARTERS \\ $6" CBETOATTHIMY Eri00_ ahi. fn F & 45 “ASPREAN FRO od) eluocogs F . 4! FERNDALE, 288 Seen is es Cc PP ORE 8s eC a tostis dt G ) ee ao} pega, 09 fneet taht os beeocd: G \ nd we S . The rf" Ager Meh and Women Officials—Parke Carroll, Kansas : City, and John Lance. Pittsburg. SJ Ly aa ry NY | AMAT Y a <§ a oe Milk @ Butter and Cream yey CITY DAIRY 313 South Fourth 5} FIRST AGAIN — CHEVROLET FOR 1940 eA | 3 a yi a 1 aa fone sitet gale aa hol? Ea wv 1 f Home of ae Per andise WHERE YOU SEE THA\N YT In If 4 V FORTUNE SHORES Most styles $400 RAC ee Lote oo eee Cc OMe OGM en i es G ! SSH Milnes ee es G 4 Our Steaks , : Are Pamccs Special Sandwiches Complete Dinners t & an Weed SAQP GEO SCHEU, Prop The Choice Used Cars Are At Brewer’s 12 KANSAS STATE 1939-40 BASKETBALL PROGRAM ~ A Tailor With ei 30 Years Experience Barber Cleaners 714 N, 12th Dial 2118 } Candies Tobacco COLLECE CANTEEN at CAMPUS GATE Fountain - Luncheonette Phone 3355 a r ESKIMO PIES Special Prices by the dozen. Sunflower Creamery Phone 2414 “ McGehee’s:Market Fresh Fruit and Vegetables % my East End Poyntz Dial 3032 F Sorell Sinclair Service . . Tire Repairing, Washing, Lubrication, Storage, Battery Service Motor Repair. Dial 3406 EAT S & H VITAMIN D. BREAD Freshest Thing In Town. S.&@H. Baking Co. Walter Hofsess, Mgr. FIRST AGAIN — CHEVROLET FOR 1940 KANSAS STATE 1939-40 BASKETBALL PROGRAM Kansas State Basketball Schedule Dec. Dec. Dec. Bec: Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan, Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 1939-40 6—Baker University at Manhattan 9—Doane College at Manhattan 15—Colorado State at Fort Collins 16—Colcrado State at Fort Collins 30—Evansville col. at Evansville, Ind. 1—Kentucky U. at Lexington 6—Oklahcma U. at Manhattan 8—DePaul U. at Chicago 9—Creighton University at Omaha 12—Kansas University at Lawrence 19—Nebraska U. at Manhattan 22—Iowa State at Manhattan 2—Oklahoma University at Norman 5—Missouri University at Manhattan §—Iowa State at Ames 13—Nebraska U. at Lincoln 16—Missouri U. at Columbia 20—Kansas U. at Manhattan Union National Bank Bldg. DR. W. W. POTTER Chiropodist Phone 3337 JOHNSMEYER’S GOLD MEDAL BAKERY BREAD & PASTRIES 610 North Twelfth Dial 2336 MANHATTAN, KANSAS The Independent Manhattan’s Original Dining Hall Yeager Dairy Lunch State Boosters © OPEN EVENINGS and SUNDAYS | Patrine N LIAIN D FOR SGA E IDEAL SHOE SHOP—One Door South of Sosna “Say It With Flowers”’ MANHATTAN FLORAL CO. The Choice Used Cars Are At4t sewer’s 14 KANSAS STATE 1939-40 BASKETBALL PROGRAM ae k NaS on! Van's Auto Shor Auto Repairing Dial 4325 1125 Moro } Sam C. Charlson ABSTRACTER Insurance - - Bonds The NEW ES. STUDY LAMPS The Aggie Hardware & Electric Co. 1205 Mcro Dial 2993 4 4 GOOD FOODS GOOD PRICES CHASTAIN’S STORES INO es ee eee 312 Poyntz NO, 2seeos 2 eer sre we 417 Poyntz INO}: 332 ee ee es es Aggieville MANHATTAN FORT RILEY ABILENE SALINA JUNCTION CITY FRED R. ROOKS Distributor The Beer that made Milwaukee Famous Manhattan, Kansas Compliments Mont J. Green Contractor FIRST AGAIN — CHEVROLET FOR 1940 KANSAS STATE 1939-40 BASKETBALL PROGRAM 15 Paul D. Raymond Dist. Mer. The Victory Life Ins. Co. Gross Insurance Agcy. Ward Keller Bldg. Ph. 2912 q LEON’S SHOE STORE FLORSHEIM SHOES For Men Who Care 300 Poyntz Hi-Power Service Station _ “Quality at a saving” 1709 El Paso on Hiway 40 é& 9 The Palace Drug Stores Uptown and Downtown The Choice Used MELVIN SEELYE q See Hollis for Jewelry, Glasses Any Kind of Repairing J. A. HOLLIS & Cars Are At Brewer’s “Across from Court House’”’ pene oh a 16 KANSAS STATE 1939-40 BASKETBALL PROGRAM L. C. Winkler Agency Insurance and Bonds ist National Bank Bldg. Phone 3200 Manhattan, Kansas = 9 a 1 -FARRELL CAFE Meals, Short Orders, Lunches Bar-B-Q Hamburgers 221% Poyntz Crowder’s Cleaners “Quality & Service” is our motto 1109 Moro Dial 2437 JOE ROBERTSON CITY MESSENGER SERVICE Prompt Parcel Delivery Messages—Packages—Errands 10 CENTS Dial 3909 9 D.@ Dial 2333 Anderson DENTIST 1204-A Moro FIRST AGAIN — CHEVROLET FOR 1940 17 Van's Grocery There is no substitute for quality. 920 Kearney Phone 2194 @ Before and After the Games Come To The White House Tavern East of Manhattan on Highways 40 and 24. Fried Chicken Sandwiches, Potato Salad, Chicken Fried Steak Sand- wiches, French Fried Potatoes. Chicken and Steak Dinners. 4 Hillside Grocery QUALITY GROCERIES Dial 4403 1701 Leavenworth H. A. SODERBERG & 4q Hit That Goal With PONTIAC and PACKARD SAM. MILLER Auto Exchange 306 Houston Phone 2178 Norris Holstrom & DODGE PLYMOUTH See the New Models Now BLOSSER MOTOR CO. Dial 4140 5th & Houston The Choice Used Cave Are At Brewer’s 18 q PAGE’S BANQUET FLOUR Always the Best Manhattan Milling Co. Distributor 107 Pierre q a, 9 Shop Penney’s and Save TLC:PENNEY COMPANY., Inc. DICKS’ CAFE Aggieville 1106 MORO Everything in Variety Goods Serving Manhattan for 30 Years 9 {_ “QUALITY, SERVICE 4x0 PRICE” Downtown and Aggieville Dial 3217 KANSAS STATE 1939-40 q A & be BASKETBALL PROGRAM D. S. GUERRANT Waters Hardware Sporting Goods Basketballs Ice Skates Roller Skates Tennis Rackets and Balls Golf Clubs and Bags WATCH THIS TEAM Conoco Bronze and Germ Processed Oil Boyd’s Conoco Station Aggieville & KANSAS STATE 1939-40 BASKETBALL PROGRAM 19 Varsity Barber Shop @ East Campus Gate 718% N. Manhattan A. V. Laundry and Cleaners Satisfactory Work Good Service “Phone 2323 4 HOLE IN ONE Recreation Club Billiards @ 710 N. Manhattan Ave. Dial 4125 JACK HORACEK | MANHATTAN OPTICAL COMPANY 404-A Poyntz Phone 4100 The Choice Used Cars Are At Brewer’s 20 KANSAS STATE 1939-40 BASKETBALL PROGRAM 1 Ryan's Market 1130 Moro Save with safety at your Rexall Stores { Kinney & Petrich 331 Poyntz Frank M. Crooke 231 Poyntz You can always shop to advantage at the Rexall store Manhattan Mutual Life Insurance Company Manhattan, Kansas 6 wowowa eo The Choice Used Cars Are At Brewer’s ‘ cS ‘Chronicle ‘Mercury oo oe ua | a a% 85 8 veut. Oe 3 (2996 » 2980) cd M (poor oandi. S68 BREE FS ER ESR ly Roan is Cotton sweat auite 4 dote ? ot otadtiun 7 tian) in) fi if 8 « Sod ey j : i Vil i . ath ATHLETES ON BUILDINGS & GROUNDS PAYROLL ~ 9D = hove worled tut are at present tines pa” mR an lf . VARSITY BASKETBALL SQUAD (Dece 5, 1959) Beb Allen dames Arnold Don Ebling X Howard Engleaan Jack Floyd Diok Tarp Herd Harton Bill Hogben Te P. Hunter Bob Johnson Jolm Kline John Kru Ralph Miller Bob Oeil Dewitt Potter Y Bruse Reid ¥ Jack Sends Druse Voran Bob “oodward Jack Mngel Demn Mosser X Ralph Sehaake i ‘ : f ¢ s Ze Z Ge Cnt it. ae “Mbde Rk Neem Bi