Iowa State College Office of University of Missouri oe Commissioner of Officials Columbia Uni ity of K 4 University of Nebrask niversity 0 ansas Big Six y ebDraska Lawrence Lincoln Intercollegiate Athletic Conference Kansas State College MMenhetea 342 So. Chelsea Avenue KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI University of Oklahoma Norman Jan. 8th. 1940 Dr F.C.Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: Did you get my letter of some time back telling you that due to the change of our game,from the afternoon to the night session, that I would be unable to work your game there Jan.12th.with Kansas" State. : I am not usually surprised at what you accomplish with your Basketball team but you did fool me in your game with Oklahoma.Not the victory,but the size of the score. Very sincerely yours, Apes R.E. Peters.