~5= 2133 Vermont Street in their home whéch they purchased last sumer. ‘The housing conditions being what they are ih Lawrence have enabled the Porters to dispose of their home readily. The Jayhawk Club of Greater Kansas City is calling all K. U. folks to their big funfest and dinner, April 25, at the President Hotel. Charles B. Shaeffer, Kansas alumus and Regional Director of the War Produotion Board, as well as President of the Jayhawk Club, says: Come ye ~ one and all = husband, wife and family - to the big gathering of the tribe ~ on Tuesday evening, April 25, at the Hotel President roof ballroom e help us raise the ROOF. Chancellor Deane Malott and Mrs. Malott are the honored guests. K. U. professors and their wives will be there." _ Shaeffer says a regular caravan from the University will be on hand to renew old friendships. Those in charge of arrangements state that so far as possible the diners will be grouped with others of your decade at school - making it doubly easy to greet and visit with your former fellow students and friends. A good will hour will precede the dimer. From 6:15 to 7:15 you will be in a position to let your hair down and have a good time. At 7:15 the call for chow will be mide. While you wait you will have music. George “Dumpy" Bowles, the author of "I'm a JayeJaye Jayhawk", has arranged for an orchestra to soothe and inspire the dinner guests while they wait. For those who haven't forgotten, the dance floor is in readiness for you to recall the old days when you were in the University and you danced at Eoke's, the Fraternal Aid, the Country Club, or the Union Building. You may not have Swede Wileon's music, or Shanty Newhouse, or any of the early day orchestras, but "Dumpy" will have it arranged so that you will recall old times. The hotel has a limit of 300 persons and the first 300 reservations