_ Pe Ty Barmm and Henry Tha both had the right dea. lash procured an exceptional attraction and exhibited them to the public whieh "paid off" at the gate to view the oddity. ! Chatvman Jim St. Claiy of the Basketball Rules Committee, will see from his erow’s negt above the basket Saturday night at the Oklahoma - Oklahoma A. and Me game at Norman what we at Kansas have known for a loug time, ~ the folly of a ten foot basket easily within reach of a hyper seven footer! St. Clair talks of defensive trouble. He speaks of goal tending difficulties. The offensive threat is even more of e crisis. He should kmow thet Kurland now holds the high seoring record of all time of Gallagher Field House, the home of the A. and i. Cowboys. Raising the basket discriminates against no player but it does discourage ® super tall player from camming wrier a low goal because the poorest place to ghoot at a twelve foot basket 1s diveotly underneath the goal. The same reasoning applies to moving the goal posts tan yards back of the goal line in college football. 1% discourages too easy place kinking or drop kioking attempts, yet it allows the same opportamity for all field goal artists. If the proposed defensive goal tending sugcestion of St. Clair should become « rule it would necessitate two additional crows nestsattending referees to rule on deseending flights of the ball over the perpendicular cylinder of the basket, plus the two present referees that we now have, A aat-walk constructed from basket to basket above the players' heads would enable a single tightwire walking referee to observe both baskets in his elevated position. and sane of the present basketball rules members @ven talk of the expense of raising the basket two feet! | A ten foot basket enoourages the big tine sonshes to scour the country, searching for these altitudinous giants too tall to fight for Unole sem, yet