allies ‘Pasifie Const a44 nob meet. Again, the N.Gsicd. committee selected Pepperdine College, a smll college that has heretofore been in the Intersellegiate Tournament in Kenens City which is mde up of emall colleges not observing the one year residence rule. So only Iowa State and \rimmas will be representatives from thelr districts. The other schools ~ the University of Iowa ani Pepperdine College - have been filled in to make s tournsemt possible. ‘the plan of the National Collegiate is to lave the four tems west of tho Mississippi River play off their tournament in Kansas City Naroh 24 and 26. ‘Then the wimer of the four wostem districts will moet the wimer of the four castern districts in Madison square Garden in New York. ‘Then there is an Invitation Tournsent in Madison Square Garden promoted by Ned Irish. Oklehom Aggies, Keutunky, Uteh, New York University, St. Jola‘'s of Brooklyn, « sone of the top teams of the somtry ~ have been invited to participate in the Divitetion Tournament. ‘This formerly was the Invitation Basketyall Writers Tounament. It is rather an independent affair, but 1iste the top teams in the country, The wismer of the Divitation Touraasent, wnich 48 played in Madisan Square Garden, will meet the wimer of the National Colk giate in New York City for the benefit of the Red Cross. Last year about 926,000 was turned over tw the Ned Cross from the Invitation Toumnment with Wyoming University, the wiser of the M.C.A.A. tommenatt, defeating st. John's of Brooklyn, the wimer of the Invitation tournament. The Aiffioult time thet Commtesioner Reaves Peters has in malcing up o mak skolotal quartet to fill plsces of the Pacific Coast and the Rocky Mountain conferences is justified if only for the benefit that the Red Cross derives from K.CoAisA. Organization, ax Ioan University belongs in the Fow'th district, the