‘THERE IS A CRISIS FACING OUR YOUTH There is a orisis facing our youth in Lawrence. The crisis is in our schools of Lawrence and in the State of Kansas. It would appear that we supporters of this platform, spokesmen for health and patent education and general education of our children, must become increasingly and persuasively vocal regarding the values that are so commonly neglected. Cities and towns that do not provide adequately deny these children great opportunities to which they are inherently entitled. Our teachers have been going to better jobs. Industries and teaching positions in public schools ia many of our finest teachers from Lawrencee We a in danger of losing many more of our very excellent teachers unless something is done definitely to mest a salary schedule to which they are entitled. | Citizens in classification clubs are urgéig the local school wine tn co before ths Utate Tex Commission and ask for permission to aioe he levy to such place as is necessary to provide needed funds. This can be done without legislative action. If the local board decided to add another mill dnd levy 15 mills instead of 14 which is now the limit, it would receive about $16,000 more money. This doubtless would be adequate for salary increases. Our Lawrence public can help by insisting that our teachers' salaries here in Lawrence be increasede ‘The Board of Education has the necessary power to solve the problem. If our Lawrence patrons will be audible in behalf of the iieins teachers, the Board doubtless will react favorably. Last night the Board of Directors of the Lawrence Rotary Club went on record with a strong endorsement favoring an increase for the teachers. Today at noon the Lawrence Kiwanis Club acted in a similar mamer. Our teachers have no organization like the unions have to express themselves, and it is only