oo Gm leaders would be leaders both in and out of the classroom. During my years ere at the University I have had many faculty members who are parents come to me and sax, "I want you to teach my Johny, or Bill, to box. He doesn't mow how to take care of himself, and the neighborhood children are punishing him unduly." These children generally cane from homes where the father did not take an active part in building the morale and physical stature of his son. The great Greek, Laodamas, son of Alcinous, said to Odysseus: Quote Come, do thou too, father and stranger, try thy skill in the sports, if haply thou art practiced in any; end thou art like to have Imowledge of games, for there is te creuher glory for a man while yet he lives, than that which he achieves by hand or foot. Unquote. No greater joy can a father have than to indulge in sports and gemes with his son. But conitactiy a busy father will do what most fathers do =- leave it to the schools to provide games and sports for his sone All sociologists and psychologists agree that where play on recreation are afforded youth, .~ Juvenile delinquency decreases markedly. Lawrence has a fine school system with ; elenentary schools in which are excelient sient However, there is no physical education program for the youth on Saturdays aud holiday periods. Cordley School has a fine gymasium, but the basketball goals have bee removed and an auditorium has been made out of the gymmasium. -The youngsters from Cerdley attack Robinson | Gymnasium in force on week days, Saturdays and Sundays with their basketballs. Certainly this is not as it should be. The Senet beasties Association and the patrons of the school should see that these youngsters have a place to play under proper supervision. In all first class Y.M.C.A.'s and school organizations the intermediate youngsters are separated from the high school youngsters, and the high school vous from the adults. Therefore, the intermediate youngsters s