: Only college conferences subscribing to such a plan would schedule games with colleges that adhere to this plan, The cost. of this large salary for administration would be divided equally among the conferences subscribing. The gate receipts, stimulated under a fair“htorced plan for all, would double and treble because each school then would feel that they would have a fair oppor- tunity of developing their school's ta leh. And they would not be forced to compete against itinerants as they now are. The money expended for a commissioner would be much less then the subsidized scoters awks contributions that are now given by business men and alumi enthusiasts that go into the channels of athletic promotion wnethically and unaccounted forse The ohly safe way to insure intercollegiate athletics for the future on a safe and high plane, bringing back the fine educational phases of years gone by, is by the installation of a high commissioner or czar. A sterling character the like of Commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Lendis would do the trick.