~6~ Howard Porter purchased a cottage at 2133 Vermont Street, where he and Mrs. Porter and their one child live. The domicile of Elmer Schaake and his wife and two children is at 1125 Vermoht Street, and Dean Nesmith, his wife ‘and two children live at 936 Alabama Street. Jack and lirs. Austin and their daughter live at 1536 Tennessee Street, end Vernon and lirs. Hayes and daughter live at 1428 Ohio Street. The entire coaching staff of the University of Kansas at present resides in the physical education department. During war time economy is the watehword with the administration and it is necessary to curtail expenses. But certainly the coaching has not suffered because Henry Shenk, Elmer Scheake and Dean Nesmith did a wonderful job with the football team. Ray Kanehl promises to get as much as any big time coach out of the track team. Only the basketball team, perhaps, will fall far below their previous standing. It is not known who will coach the baseball team, but it is rimored that thins will be a varsity baseball team this spring. In addition to doing a bang-up job with the full-tine physical conditioning program, these coaches have done their extra stint in coaching varsity athletics a) < ppevlativs degree.