KFKU BROADCAST - June 8, 1944 The Recreation Training Institute conducted wder the auspices of the Physical Education Department of the University of Kensas here on May 16 to 20 paid and is paying big dividends, Mrs. Anne Livingston, the recreation specialist from the National Recreation Association of New York, prevaded exceptional inspiration for the one hundred fifty registrants. These recreation leaders ones from as far away as Concordia, Parsons, Junetion City, Emporia, Leavenworth and Topeka. Especially do we feel ees beneficial effect of Mrs. Livingston's talented services because the Lawrense recreation leaders attended ines session and are now putting into practice the things learned from Mrs. Livingston. ‘The visit of Mrs. Livingston was timely and nost prafitable; | | : | The nearest institute conducted by her was at Wichita, Kansas, and the succeeding one was at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. So Lawrence, Kansas, oan feel especially proud of the fact that we were able to secure her services. Two weeks after irs. Livingston left, Miss Alice Gilbertson, publicity specialist for the Association and a writer of syndicated articles, visited Lawrence for a followup. She was much impressed with the close wetenlaichin between the University's Physical Education Department and the Lawrence recreation prograine The summer recreation program for ie uate of Lawrence is in full swing. Mrs. Marge Stockton, chairman of the executive committee of the Recreation duet; together with Superintendent Gliffora Dean and Mrs. Dorothy Jane Cannady, are the individuals largely responsible for the pro- motion and the execution of the Lawrence playground activities. Every aftere noon from 3 to 5 o'clock the playgrounds of the Lawrence schools are under the supervision of playground leaders, and in the mornings the children may attend the summer art studio under the capable direction of Miss Maude Ellsworth, This is the twelfth year that the sumer art studio has been in