@ Se Football hopes at K,U. took a jolt when Bob George, frosh triple. threat man, Joe Dickey, half-back speedster, and Frank Gruden, all-Big Six ‘guard, ‘were transferred by the Navy at the end of the winter term along with several other outstanding boys. The discontinuance of the V-5 pregram (naval xviation) this summer will also remove a svtenhiacl source of manpower fron Se KW, Geuuy bath wens Viren 0 Wore wen Mieke Leviers-at B0. tee, the Navy has already announced that there will be a pedainthed of personnel in the V-12 program November first. This means that an entirely different team from that beginning the season may play the November games. - Naval transfers the first of July make a guess as to K.U.'s football prospects for 1944 even more hasardous, Since freshmen are in- eligible to participate until after one semester, there is little likelihood of getting much help from that source. ‘Undoubtedly we will lose more than we will gain by the July transfers. _ On the brighter side of the ledcer is the fact that fifteen lettermen from last year are stiil in school at the present times However, Gordon Stucker, end, will soon report to the Naval Academy at Annapolis; Wayne nird, center, is 18 and will probably soon be drafted, along with Junius Penny,. taokles| Bill Mowery, fullback, and Dick Dreher, guard, are in medical school, and may have trouble finding the time to participate, This leaves ten lettermen, most of whom are backs, who should be around next fall «« John Bergin, back, Den Chase, center, 3111 Chestnut, drop kicker, Dick Dreher, guard, Dan Feullmer, back, Charles Keller, tackle, Bob Miller, half, Charles Moffett, quneber'onek; Warren Riegle, end, Leroy Robison, back, and Don _ Barrington, fullback, = | Other last year's squdd men who are expected to report are Dan Stockdale, guard, Jim Weatherby, back, Harold Hill, “- and Joe Ryan, guard. New boys who showed up well in spring practice were Bauman, tackle, Shiminte, back, Welch, back, Mosher, back, Daigneult, end, Short, back, Castriex, back, Williams, halfback, McShane, back, Book, tackle, and Cantrell, guard. In addition to these boys there should be some seventeen year-old high school boys and one or two 4F's.