a ane | : a football. Oklahoma would run a close second, with a first place win in football a tie in tasketball and a third and fourth place in track. The figures have not been compiled, eet it looks as if Kansas and Missouri will run a close race for third place, with Nebraska and Kansas ‘State tring for ee and sixth. So all in all, Kensas has had a very good war year tl a Coie of Kansas has been more concerned in fighting the war than they have been in deve loping crack athletic teams during this very is period. Thie he as it Saould bes Too many coaches are indulging in frantic flag-waving while posing as developers of young men, aiding the war effort through physical condition- ing programs of athletic games, These coaches are traveling over the country signing up all the likely 4F boys with athletic potentialities. They are also | scouting for oe 17 year old high school graduates who have one year of athletic competition before registering for selective service. oe number one business in America at the present time is to win the war with everything we have got in the shortest possible time. Back the attack by mm all out effort on the home front., The 4F athlete in war time should not be sievieiet ser should he be OL asnciiiy but when they are made the medium of an all out effort to go professionally big time, then there should be pause for sober reflection, So be prepared for more flag waving, more high sounding patriotic phrases emulating top physical pondtil aide of our athletic teams for the coming year by these same pseudo-developers of college teams, /| & —— Oils aur bane Anrobkle CLT Camp (OAM _ rake heat. aK he Woes ee a nye Le aik aur os a. £0 ——- Co paren Oe