A few years age Coach Johnny Bunn of Hank Luisetti~Stanferd fame, was watching Jim Kelley's DePaul (Chicage) work-out befere the National Association ef Basketball Beaches assembled theres A prominent coach remarked te Bunn that Kelley wes ueing a straight man for man defense in his team's plays Jehn Bunn replied, "I use the same type of defense and I call it a combination ef bethe" Se it goose the censh whe vetuess te let bis team tey to peustvete 0 sene type of play frankly admits that he has not mastered this phase of basketball. If & gone type ef team is behind in the score its a cinch that they will have te come eut efter the bell. If they de net they wen"t have te werry lenge There will net be any custemers out te see them play the “next times The ceaches ewe their public action and scoring by a colerful teams When players meve systemtically ever the fleor action results, and when censhes tench their elerges the paths of the scering lanes ant skillful passes, scoring will result. The tetal result will be a colerful ball games