Ss r io f KANSAS E as al a -_ las - dren Cow Faring an fore Ss SETBALL — D) US ‘aa PS j — ae %. / AFTER /TH}t SAN WSO YQ WDSEE, ih Sosna te THEATRE THE TOR@ENTER[ROAN aa AT OFF Sosna Has the Pictures ? JAMES STEWAR)Pe) A4F GARBT Si} i ae ith jj m Orher), Y anf art reo ) ph 7 a 4 = > (awhatian’s Stora for + eet Col exe é : ea Tee prensa ; Society Bran athes TALLMAN, FRANK_________- F Varsity Tioown cin es 15 GOETZE, HARTMANN__.___- F Interwoven Soc} ~ HELD; SIDNEY221 2c 2_51:2-- G Bosto Mian = Cy alo 4 ae AL SF iePang Sk ge ana ETS c row,—Shias Yl wen hy Oc Hats PROBABLE STARTERS \\ $6" CBETOATTHIMY Eri00_ ahi. fn F & 45 “ASPREAN FRO od) eluocogs F . 4! FERNDALE, 288 Seen is es Cc PP ORE 8s eC a tostis dt G ) ee ao} pega, 09 fneet taht os beeocd: G \ nd we S . The rf" Ager Meh and Women Officials—Parke Carroll, Kansas : City, and John Lance. Pittsburg. SJ Ly aa ry NY | AMAT Y a <§ a oe Milk @ Butter and Cream yey CITY DAIRY 313 South Fourth 5} FIRST AGAIN — CHEVROLET FOR 1940 eA | 3 a yi a 1 aa fone sitet gale aa hol? Ea wv 1 f Home of ae Per andise WHERE YOU SEE THA\N YT In If 4 V FORTUNE SHORES Most styles $400 RAC ee Lote oo eee Cc OMe OGM en i es G ! SSH Milnes ee es G 4 Our Steaks , : Are Pamccs Special Sandwiches Complete Dinners t & an Weed SAQP GEO SCHEU, Prop The Choice Used Cars Are At Brewer’s