The pseudo-patrictism ef some ef our so-called big time ceaches Si Tilly Cacia ‘nid SadtnAN to erhentiihign thane tilitiee inc traveling ever the country signing up all the likely 4F beys with athletic petentialities. ‘They alse are sceuting fer all 17 year eld a#high schoo] graduates whe have one year of athletic competition befere registering fer selective service. | At the same time they are indulging in frantic flag waving while pesing as developers ef young men, siding the wer effert threugh physical conditioning programs of athletic gemese 2 | 7 There is mere respect fer rules and fer cenduct in eur prefessienal spert of organized baseball than that which ebtains in eur cellege athletic competition ef tedaye The reason is very ebvieuse Judge landis enforces the prefessienal cede te the letter and spirit, while the cellege einheuthdes. teneiind tink-are-merguvitvting Un G0itl to tube tie binderentts JS Fren tine inmemorial we have had proselyting ef our streng young men for combat and for athletic contests. Faul spoke of it in Biblical times when he referred te the Olympic Gamess But eur present preselyters of 4F material are playing fer huge financial stakes. Bowl games and teurnament money is the lure < in assembling the signing ef all 4F's and elder men tee old for the drafte The big time college ceaches are restricted to the younger mene Professional feotball teams did it last summer and fall with successes Prefessicnal baseball and prefessional feetball are businesses calculated to make meney and te entertain their patrens fer the price ef admission. The business ef the cellege & is te educate the youngster, net -