SPORTSCAST = KFKU = March 16, 1944 The questionnaire committee of the joint basketball rules body have sent questd salad ook to all the college, independent and high school coaches of the United States with a view of getting their opinion concerning suggested changes in the rules that would benefit the game of basketball. One coach said to me today, when I was discussing research with him, “You are right, I filled out a questionnaire and tolé them what I thought about certain changes, not one of which I had actually tried out.” de said, "I presume most of the coaches do it the same way. It is certainly WR Gr odicetad on fact finding." | These written opinions are not based upon research or any game condition try-outs. The rules body generally meet and hick a@ cross section of opinions and if there are enough opinions meriting a change, the rules committee are apt to adopt a rule covering a majority opinion, ‘This procedure is altogether wrong. No rule should be adopted in that manner, It should only be incorporated in the rules after it has been subjected to an efficient research committee. This committee should not only work out the problems but they should appoint teams in different sections of the nation to try the - various rule changes out under game conditions. Certain fact finding groups could then report directly to the research committee. The research committee, after carefully formulating their findings on the various rule changes, shunt could then submit this ieee data. to the rules committee who would then be in possession of proven facts. This would be logical and altogether different than the procedure at present.