© Gu If there is no way to enforce the rules that we have it would ‘be fairer to all concerned to ask the athletic board of our school to take a handseoff policy and let every coach be for himself and the devil take the hindermoste It so happens that I have long advocated the appointment of | a national czar of intercollegiate athletics, This high commissioner to have ; 1 the same absolute power that Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis exercises in a . professional baseball, ‘ith a national commissioner in power there would be i no such incursions as have occurred in our ow town the past weeke Our — conference along with other soecalled respectable conferences, has always : had plenty of rules agains’ proselyting, but they have never bem enforced, Apparently rules are printed to be ignored. Either have rules respected or remove their restrictions from our Kansas coaches. ; { }