= Bee The Big Six Conference has had quite a bit of diffioulty in selecting their representative for the Nationel Collegiate Athletic Association play-off in Kensas City March 24 and 25, As amomeed last week, Iowa State by having the better offensive-defensive record than Oklahora, was selected to represent the conference. Iowa State declined the invitation because they were losing some of their star Naval trainees, ‘Therefore they desired to close their season, Oklahoma was placed in the same position, so it was necessary for the tournament manager, Reaves Peters, who is the Big Six Gomissioner, to ask the Fifth District Selection Comittee, comprising of Dr. H, H. King, chairman, of Kansas State College, ©, 4, McBride, sports editor of the Kansas City Star, George Bdwards, basketball coach of the University of Missouri, and a representative from the Missouri Valley Conference, to select a representative. The University of ee Missouri was asked because they had a civilien team. Assistant Dean Sam Shirkey, who is faculty representative of Missouri, was out of town and uo decision could be had. Sickie The representatives asked the Big Six Selection Comittee to ask Towa State College to reconsider, which they did, so the Lowa State Cyclones will be the Fifth District representative, Henry Iba's Oklahoma aggies, which would be the Missouri Valley Conference representative, would have been the team to meet in a play-off match with the Big Six representative, but since most of the Missouri Valley teams had disbanded and since Oklahoma Aggies had accepted the Invitation Tournament in New York, no ytaywett Was necessary. The Fifth Distriet has always heretefore had a play-off cneten between the Big Six wimner and the Missouri Valley wimer, Therefore, this year when Iowa State has been selected by the Big Six as their representative they now become the Fifth District representative without a pley-off, ‘The Rocky Mountain District, which is the Seventh, has no representative, so the N.C.A.A. committee has asked the University of Iowa to represent the Rocky Mountain area, Likewise, the Pacific Goast had no representative because the northern and southern section of the