shooting (archery), foils, football, racing, wildegoose chases, which are the disports of greater men. ‘he ordinary occasions for the pastimes of the common people were Sundays and church festivals, and the numerous country fairs, - Therefore, we find that all athletic contests are a throwback from the game ofwar, The Huns, under Attila, used war for conquest. The German mind has always held to the theory that they wore the supermen, the men to rule the world, ‘The Englishman has followed the theory that every man to be a gentleman should play at least one game well. After the war of Liberation, Charles Follen and Charles Back, two German refugees, came to America and settled in Bostone They taught Latin and Ores at Harvard University and founded the first schools of the Germanic type of physicd edueation in our country. They organized the Turnverein, where, at these symastic sotleties, the building of strong bedies was emphasized, Charles Follen later moved to Philadelphia where he orgenized Girard College. The German influence on American physical education was ‘very pronounced in the early begiming of education in our country. School gymasia were fitted with apparatus and the imitation type of the Germanic theory was initiated. Follow the leader became the procedure for our schools in physical education, However, the English type of physical education through sports and - | Games began to replace the Germanic system in the middle of the Fighteenth centurye America turned to sports and games through the English influence and instead of developing & strong body for warelike activities, America's psychology was to develop sports and games on the theory that the game is the thing. The German student proudly exhibited a ta his face as his trophy