ae Certainly we believe that on tee field of friengly athletic strife and conbat opportunities for courage, unselfishness and the sense of belonge ing are developed, We believe fone that quire is a transference from the activities of the athletic field to the activities of business and professional life. ‘Teamwork, cooperation and loyalties are developed which help in later yearse After every great war in America we have had a revival of athletic sports and games. During the Civil War when we had huge concentrations of men they learned to play Ono Old Cat which developed into our present gene of baseball. Many men were out of work after the war and during the depressio ig ofessional baseball was born. ‘Young men who could not procure jobs on the farms and in the facteries turned their talents baseball, So we could rightfully say that the Civil War formed the foundation for our professional game of baseball in Americas, In World War One the same huge concentration of men in Army camps turned their leisure time to sports and games. The ererene legions of Americans came back and there was not enough employment for all of the veterans, so again professional sports received an emphatic impetus. i sate Sele a Sat Baseball was revivified and enlarged. A new professional sport was developed, that of professional football. Professional football is dee finitely established, and World War One was the incubator. And now we are in World Wer Two. At the end of this war sports prophets are seeing the interests of professional baseball spread to all corners of the world. A world's championship now will we truly a world's sos staat Siar yo eae ee Sui alee ae. . G@hamplonship because nations will compete with nations for the world's ae Seti eee NL 2 ee en championship. Heretofore the world's ehampionships, so called, have been a national championship between the American League and the National League. Professional football, doubtless, will be so magnified and