KFKU = May 4, 1944 With the rising tide of might of the Allies surging ageinst the Axis powers, postwar preparations of the Allies are being actively carried forward. Postwar preparations are also definitely being made by the athletic departments of all universities and colleges in preparing for the peace era after the war. After every great war there has been a resurgence of athletic activities when the men are returned to peacetime pursuits. Depressions have always followed a war, And the men returning therefrom have used their physical skills in games and sports for financial remmeration. Not only do amateur . games increase manyfold, but professional games have been inaugurated during these peace time depressions, The Civil War was responsible for the develop- ment of professional baseball on a large scale. World War One served as & foundation for professional football and the revivification of professional baseball. World War Two will contribute definitely to a number of professional basketball leagues as well as multiplying severalefold the professional football leagues, together with professional baseball becoming an international sport. Seretators, the World Series in baseball has been a contest between the winners of the National lenges pennant and the winners of the American League pennant. That championship has been called the World's championship, when really it has been the national championship of North America. | But in the future it is not difficult to envision a world's championship in baseball where several nations my meet to decide the world's championship. | There are many who contend ‘that 4f we have international sports and games between all the countries of the world a better understanding would be 2 and we would have fewer wars. Be that as it may, it is a certainty that we will have a surging revival of sports and games the like of which the world has never seen before. Athletics have been accepted as an integral factor in building morale among