o5e contest who has ever received: (a) Any subsidy, either direotly or indirectly, because he is en athlete, (b) Any advance payment for future services, (¢) Any guarantee of payment which is not conditioned upon the services being performed in advance of the payment, of (a) Any payment for services at greater than reasone gble and ourrent rates. ‘Be Ho student shall participate in any intercollegiate contest who has ever received a loan, scholarship aid, remission of fees, or employment merely because he is an athlete or through channels not open to none athletes equally with athletes. | | Rule 10. Recruiting. 1. By alimmi and friends. The conference is epposed to the reoruiting of prospective students by alumi and friends, when the reason for such recruiting is that the prospestive students are athletes. The conference will make continued and positive efforts to eliminate such recruiting» 2. By members of athletic staffs. (This is a laugh.) Members of athletic staffs shall not reoruit prospective athletes, ‘The following are submitted as typical examples of recruiting: (a) Urging enrollment through initiating correspondence, direct conference or indirect message. (b) Promising employment, loans, scholarships or remission of fees. (c) Indirestly contacting prospective athletes by suggesting to alumi or friends that they endeavor to recruit ‘tithem, (This is another laugh --) Steff members shall avoid the appearance of recruiting, Evidence that a staff monber has been guilty of — recruiting shall be considered grounds for action discontinuing the scheduling of contests with those teams with which he is comected or for which he has been recruiting. Regulations governing recruiting by staff mexbers are designed to relieve the coaches of any suggestion of responsibility for recruiting material for their teams, (Unquote) : For years coaches of soecalled big time schools have traveled all over the country with their picture mehine showing their football and their vases ball teams in action, and met with their alumi and have openly contacted high school students definitely signing up the boys the same as a salesman would