captain told the coach and teammates ho was sorry and hac learned a lesson ho would never forget. The boy had not forgotten and as he told me about the expericnece his voice trombled. He felt that is was a crimo against society to deprive boys of the influence of this powerful charactor. The physical education teacher is dealing with more powerful desires and wants than other teachers, and for this reason his actions make a more powerful impressione Tho activities of physical education make it possible for the teacher of these activities to see the pupils under different circumstances than other teacherse If you want to learn the roal character of an individual, play with him -- play golf or tennis -- go camping -- watch him under tension. Under these oircumstances players and teachors learn to know much more about each other then is possible undor any other type of teachor-pupil relationship. Bocauso of this unique relationship, it is necessary that our pupils come into contact with strong characterse Whore can the public find such individuals? The modern physical oducation teacher training schools have boys of the proper typo. But in order to train more of this type, more rigid mules of selection must bo followed. The candidate should be as carefully solocted as you would select a husband for your daughter. Alas, most of the modern fathors do not sélect their daughters!’ husbands. They take what tho daughter brings home. Many tcacher training institutions tako what is brought to thom. Aftor the star athletes have beon with them for tho allottod number of years, they are stamped with a degree and turned over to those who hire teachorse Those who hire teachers should check up on character qualifications. If thoy want an individual who can win 100% of their athletic events they must look for a rather definite type of individual. In hiring a coach this slogan should be sdopted == We want to hire a coach that is a mane When a coach is put under pressure by the public and he knows that he must beat Poedunk every year or lose his jobe What is the result? The result is that John, who has an injured leg is premitted to play a little sooner than ho should. The result is that the history teacher must pass John so that Po-dunk can be beaten. The result is that John is taught how to kmce an opponent so as to remove the Po-dunk star from the gamoe John is taught how to trip, how to slug, how to push without getting caught.e In short, John is learning nogative character by a very powerful method. Character is caught from the action of this teacher who is a victim of a mis~guided publice Me Ve Thisted, in a study called "Collego Alumni Evaluate Intor~oollog= {ate Athictics", found that men who had graduated from professional schools who had participated in basketball and football enjoyed a larger income than non- athletese He also found that those who played on teams that lost more games than they won onjoyed a greater income than those who played on teams that won more games than they lost. It soems that the boys who had the charactor to play in spite of being on a losing toam had the charactor traits necessary to produce the larger incomce