ae =e I am not trying to build up a case for not trying to win games. Far too many teachers talk about building charaater, only when they know that thoy are not producing 4 winner. I know 2 successful baseball coach who had won a championship and tho following year he was left with only a small handful of letter mon. When asked about his chances of retaéining his championship he replied, "This is my year to teach character". It was said jokingly, but it nevertheless represents the attitude of too many teachers in the profession of physical educatione If “the public wants teachers who can win and win cleanly, then they must make their domandg ‘mown. The school board mombers will search for such men and in their search it will become impressed on those in chargo of teacher training institutions that selection is necessary.e The public gets what it wants from our tax-supported institutions - if it talks loud enough. : Lot us not look at winning as the prime achievement y but let us SOY; "Did we win fairly." Let us have more of the type of men in the physical education field whose leaving ‘would be a crime against society.