Miss Hoover - Miss S,apleton Miss Hoover Miss Stapleton a4 What steps, if any, are boing taken to correct this condition? With tho aid of the tuberculin test the prescence of germs of tuberculosis in the body is now readily dotermined. A follow-up of a positive reaction with an x-ray chest plate will show whethor the discase is in an active or arrested forme Some schools are modifying the program of activities for those childron with positive reactions to the tuberculin test. Such provision as open air rooms, shortened schodule of classes, covering the four year course in five or more years, a rest period and various other methods are boing used to help the child stay within the bounds of his physical abilitye From our discussion then, Miss Stapleton, these seem to ne to be the needs in helping the adolescent make this new adjustments le The child should be given a share in planning his life. 2e All questions should be answered honestly. 3. Since his activity needs a chance to broaden ho should have such an opportunity provided. ‘4- Rhythmic exercises, dances, swimming and such activities should bo provided to help establish the new physical adjustments. 5» There is a tondency to eardiac dilation due to strain, which should be carefully watched. 6. Plenty of sleep, vlain food, and outdoor exercise is necessarye 7. The desire for excitement should be satisfied with wholesome enthusiasms if development is to be normal and healthy. 8. Life should be fulls & hoalthy body, mental occupation, and an abundant outlet for physical, aosthetic, social and cthical nature should be providede Yes, Miss Hoover, those seem to mo to be definite needs if we are to help the adolescent boy and sirl make a fine adjustment. fmong the Sioux Indians in the fontior days there was a lovely custome Always, when an Indian was to leave the frontior of his tribe and travel for a little while in the country of another Indian tribe, on the night before he left, he would be compelled to mect with the chiefs of his own tribe and sit with them around the campfire. And then, late at night, standing silhouetted against the dying flames of a dying campfire, he would be compelled to lift this prayer: "Great Spirit, help me never to judge another until I have walked two wecks in his mocassins." Surely understanding is the paramount need of those who are teaching and workins with the adolescent.