Jim John John Jim John Jim. John Jim John Jim John PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR HEALTH Radio Program. February 16, 1939 "Piiysical Education at Haskell Institute" © (John F. Carmody. Director of Athletics and Physical Education at Haskell. Indian Institute, interviewed by James H..Raport,, , of the Department of Physical. Education, University of Kansas.) John,: how many students are there at Haskell?. About 720. This includes both boys and girlse- Whit sort off physical educetion program do you have,. John? Classes in physical education at Haskell are concerned with sports act=. ivities which naturally involves the teaching of skills., However,. the social and hygienic processes are predominant. and the ultimate aim of. our class work. We also have competitivesathletics and an intramural program.’ What types or kinds of games do you teach the young Indian boys? . The age group interest, of course, is the determining factor in the type of games taughts And too, the seasonal sport is usually the center of interest. . Well, John, specifically what games do you have in your pr8tram? We're organized on a semester basis. We play touch football; unorganized games such as individual dodge ball, hook arm tag and others; basketball with emphasis on individual skills for the elementary groups; and for the advanced groups the emphasis is on team play. We also play captain ball and team dodge ball, which are semi-organized and more advanced than the unorganized games,: Volley ball,- paddle tennis, aerial darts, boxing, softball, tether tennis, horseshoes, ~ are all.on the class schedule. We also have classes in track and field events. Ail these games and events have been adapted to fit the lower age groups. Well, how about your higher age groups? What do they do? Activities are very similar but that there is a greater complexity of the game with the necessary emphasis on team play. We also have added tumbling and some wrestling and tennis besides the games already mention-. eds In the track and field events we raise the standard of achievement for the older groups. That program seoms to be very well integrated. As I understand it, the work you've outlined is philosophically sound education, since the locus of the teaching situationsis the students Well, now you've mentioned that you have an intramural programs Can you tell me something about it? The intramural program is an after-school activity. All the boys in school participate in one form of game or anothers The boys may play touch football, basketball, boxing, track and field, softball, baseball, tennisy horseshoe pitchinge The teams are organized by tho students,