Jim John Jim Jghn Jim John Jim John ead, as John, is there anything of particular interest about the Indian that you'd like to mention? Well, the Indian is commonly thought of as a vanishing race, That's not true, At present there are about 345,000 Indians. In fact, the annual net population increase is 190 a years At that rate in 2039 there should be 940,000 Indians, whereas the white man's population will have fallen to 129 million in 1986. I. alweys cansidered the Indian as the vanishing American. Has Science helped this population increase? Yes, definitely. The white man's hospitals, doctors, sanitation and diet- " ary knowledge have made the Indian he thier. But it might be pointed out that the white man's effect was not always beneficiale Among the seven major causes of Indian mortality today only two - tuberculosis and war - were known before the advent of the white mans John, when was the Haskell Indian Institute founded? In 1884, At one time its enrollment was up to 1100 students. Its grad- uates are placed in practically every state in the union. What aro some of the occupations Haskell graduates gota At Haskell there is a commercial department which graduates about 65 students each year. Last year its placoment was nearly 100%. These stud- ents are out in large industry and government service; as steno's, clerks, and bookkeepers. In fact about 30 Haskell graduates are working in the Washington offices. There are the vocational training departments for both boys and girls, besides the regular academic coursese ; THEE TE