Dr. Allen Mullen: Dre Allen: Wilson: Sullivan: PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR HEALTH Radio Program June 1, 1939 "4 Future Student Faculty Play Day” It is with pleasure that I introduce the personnel of a group of student leaders who have done things and are now doing things at the University of Kansase Ce He Mullen, senior, of Marion, Kansas, pres- ident of the Men's Student Counciil; collaborating with him is Miss Velma Wikson, junior, of Meade, Kansas, president of the Women's Student Governing Association; Dan Rhule, junior, from Aspinwall, Pennsylvania, president of the Men's Pan-Hollonic; John Onakson, junior, of Kansas City, Kansas, president of the Independent Student Assoeiat~ ion; Wayne Nees, senior, of Bragil, Indiana, prosidont-elect of tho "K" clubs; Nelson H. Sullivan, senior, of Kansas City, Kansas, who has revivificd and made the "K" club on the campus of the University of Kansas a living, breathing, doing thing; Bob Galloway, junior, from Marysville, Kansas, president of the Ku Ku's; Miss Sara Lou Smart, junior, from Lawrence on the Kaw, representative of the Jay Janese These cight K. U. students will indulge in a friendly chat, their discussional subject being a future student-faculty play day. Well, Dr. Allen, what do you mean by this student-faculty play day? What do you have in mind? Who would sponsor this? Woll, Ce He, my notion was that you leaders would sponser it as 4 groupe Don't you remomber when you were in high school you had your senior picnics, and your all-school days, and so forth? Now, isn't it a fact that we havo folt perhaps wo are too large here at Ke Ue to mect in a group such aos wo propose. ‘Miss Wilsom, don't you think that it would be a fine thing if a group of student leaders would sponsor a mammoth student~-faculty play dey where the entire student body with tho faculty. could play games and then have a real got together where the womon serve the meat and the men and women eat it? > Wouldn't that bo fun? .That would be just like old times, wouldn't it? Woll, that sounds interosting, at least as far as the men are concerneds | I'd like to ask a quostion of Nolson Sullivan. Ho's beon promoting various activities on the campus. Nolson, how doos this idea strike you? : I think it is a swoll.iden, but in addition I think wo should have a Recognition Day combined with this student-faculty play day. This Recognition Day would include the awarding and honoring of all athletic participants = both men and women = in varsity athlotic competition. Women's Athletic Association, and intramural athletics. And further, I think that the "K" club would perhaps want to at least nominate one of the famous old "K" men in somo branch of athletics who has made good out in. the business world, who would return and spoak at a convocation, honoring the "K" athletes as woll as awarding the trophies to the winners. Dan Rhule, as president of the Men's pan-Hellenic, I think you should heave some ideas along this linc. ~