Rhule: Nees: Oakson: Galloway: woe Yos, and Dr. Lawronco Woodruff, of the Entomology Departmont, played center on the Kansas 1923 championship football team. Dre Carleton Kent, of the Physics Department, was a moan baseball player, You know ho is a brother of Coach Maury Kent, of North= western University. Yos, @nd I want you to know that our own Chancellor Ernost Hiram Lindley was a candidate for the first baseman's position at the University of Indiana, and it took a world's champion, Frank Daloy, to boat him oute Wo have some other athletes on tho faculty, too-- Dean Paul Be Lawson, of the College, is a moan handball playor. Major Edwards, of the ReOQ.TeC.e Staff, was a mombor of the K.U. track toam in 1917. And Dr. Goorco Stratton, of the Chemistry Department, was on the Colorado basketball team.