Mr, Mott Miss Hoover Mre Mott Miss Hoover Mre Mott ob— between them and what is the purpose of each? The two reins--or we gall it the single rein bridle--is used quite generally on the average threo#egaited and hunter typo horse and may have cither curb or snaffle bite The four reinse-or double rein bridle--is used on five-gaited horses and has both curb and snaffle bits, which are very essential in obtaining the five different gaitse I feel that riding well taught can and should develop character and aid in solving psychological probloms, improve posture, and assist in overcoming physical defects besides being a healthy form of exercise that can be enjoyed by both old and young, weak and stronge Do you have any experience in teaching riding as it is related to improvement of body mechanics, Mr. Mott? Yes, Miss Hoover, I have riders to whom riding has been recommended by their physician for overcoming various handicaps. Such ass Riding for posture correction, Riding to improve muscular and nervous troublese--Frequently riding is the only sport in which paralysis victims can engagee Also riding is often recommended for those who can't engage in other sports-«==such as sufferers from lung diseases, as asthma or tuberculosis, or for those who are excessive» ly over- or under-weight. Many who cannot enter other sports can ride and enjoy riding, if the instructor can teach them to overcome their ow limitations. I can see that horseback riding can be adapted to many different people=-both sexes, nearly all ages, and assorted weights because of the wide variations of the severity of the sport--for horses aro assorted as to size, strength, and serenity and there is a great difference in the exercise obtained from riding a quiet horse at @ walk or a strong high spirited horse at a vigorous trot or canters It is a recreation especially suited to the enjoyment and pleasure of couples. Mr. Mott can you give us a fow ganeral points as to the management of the horse when riding? Yes, Miss Hoovér, there are a few points which every rider would do well to observe: J. Approach and go around the horse's head and not his heels. Mount on the left side and in approaching the horse » avoid sudden and violent movements. Be slow and gentles 2» Remember that the horse's mouth is one of the most important parts of his anatomy to youas a rider. Never jerk ite Se At all gaits have your horse "“eollected" or under controls ‘Never ride with a loose rein so that you cannot hold him back quickly if necessary, You are supposed to be managing the ride, though he may be quite will- ing top, 4, Walk the first and last fivo minutes of your ride so as to loosen up the horse and bring him in coole He needs to warm up and cool off gradually like a human athlete. 56 Don't gallop away from other riders» Horses like to lead and don't mind racing and the horses become excited by ruming. Let the entire party keep together and enjoy a comfortable rides 6, A horse, even a well tr