Mr. Mott Miss Heover \ Mre Mott Ban Iam glad and pleased to welcome visitors at any time, show them the stables and horses, and answor their questions. Come out and gee the horses and equipment and I hepe that soon I can invite sbi ef you to attend a horse show which is in rehearsal noWe Mr. Mott I feol that 1 have profited by this discussion; you havo shown me thet riding can bring out the best in anyone, Riding re« quires just as much good sportsmanship and good manners as any other game or sports, Yos, I have hoped, by this talk, to stross that riding, though not necessarily demanding great strength or endurance, roquires and develops muscular control, ability to relax, sense of balance, poise and good posture, health and fitness. I woulé@ leave the impression that it is a splendid sport, and that an acquaintance with such a noble animal and an alliance with him for health and happiness are worthwhile expericnecs. ay