PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR HEALTH Radio Program May 11, 1939 secece (Summer Camp Life" - (Miss Joie Stapleton, Miss Virginia Anderson and Miss Margaret Van Cleave) Miss Stapleton In the short time that we have, it will be impossible to tell or Virginia Margaret Virginia explain the intricate patterns of camp and camp life. There is, however, foremost in the mind of the parent, certain essentials that need an explanation. Also, the director has many problems to face, and with the aid of counsclors, many problems are discussed and an attempt mado to remedy them long bofore camp is in session. One could sco a reenectmont of this sceno in many different forms of camps all ovor the country at the beginning of summer and in this discussion, although devoid of emotional dramatics - you will hear, as nearly as possiblo, how the camp contributes to the developmont of the csmper and what the camper does for the camp. We break in on this staff discussion as the curtain rises. Tho director of tho camp = playod by Virginia Anderson, is talking to one of her staff counsclors, Margaret Van Cleave, in a pre-camp week discussion. In this mecting of those of us who aro going to work together I would like to explain to you about the things we 211 hope to sce accomplished this summer. Margarcot, as head counsellor, I know you can add much to what I want to saye The success of our camp will depend upon our staff - whether we co- operate and enjoy working hard twenty-four hours of tho day with children who are coming to us for a good time. The children have that one ain in mind, but thoir parents want thom to have something more dofinite to show for having had this oxperiones, to be better personalities for having lived and sharod with others about their own age. The mother of one of our now campors is coming lator this afternoon to sco the camp and to ask quostionse But first, I want to talk a little about our job. Somo of you are new to our group, so lot us talk over our programe Margaret will you explein how wo have our campers plan thoir own activitios? Well, Andy, you've givon me a big job, but I'll try. The first day of camp, we have a meoting where wo sing and got acquainted. Hero each counsellor talks about the activity of which she has chargo. At this time the campers aro givon tho opportunity to choose the sport and othor activitios that intorost them. Each girl then has 2 very flexiblo pro- gram, which can be modified or changed if desired. This program which calls for self-direction on the part of each child, tonds to give thom a senso of freedom and indepondence that makes for happy campers. In- directly, wo counsollors try to soo that 2 balanced program is chosen so that each cirl has a wide and varied experience with camp life. Is that what you wanted, Andy? I think you said just what I would hevo said, and if none of you have any questions, wo'll go on to the real part of camp, that everyone lives for - out-of-camp trips by station wagon, canoo and horseback. About twice 2 week, wo mako trips by one method or the other, depending upon