Mar garet Virginia Joie Lede alee the age of the camper group thet is goinge The canoe trips are over~ night or two or threo deys in length. Not more than four canoes leave camp at one time, and at lesst two counsellors are assigned to cach groupe I have a papsor hero that you can sign for the kind of trip you would liko to take. Of courso, a lot depends unon your ability for this kind of thine. We aro responsible for the safety of each child, so there may necessarily be some changes made. Our pack trips are : mainly day journeys, covering approximately twenty-five miles of trail. The stop for the noon meal is entirely up to the campers, as is the preparation of it. By station wagon we take larger groups to noarby points of interest, and theso trips sre really back-to-civilization treats for the campers. All of our excursions are more or less impromp- tu as far as the campors are concerned, Of course, wo have to plan for meals out of camp, but the cook doos that. so these trips are always a surprise to the campers and they just lovo it! Margaret and I have spoken in somo detail «bout s camper council in which they can have opportunity to discuss their prceblcoms, and to appoint certain individuals for honors. Somo of these are lighting council firo, making announcoments at meals, and helping plan enter~ tainmonts to be given on rainy nights that come every so often. You have done a lot with these programs, Margaret, what aro your ideas for this summor? I'm afraid that I can’t cxpress much of an opinion, because those pro- grams turn out to be just ss much a surprise to me as they aro to you. Romember last summer how wo racked our brains and ransecked the camp trying to get up outfits for a Pirate ‘arty? Then how wo chased every kind of a living thing around camp for our Pet Par}y? And you ask mo to tell you what is soing to hepnon this yoare Running more sedately throughout the camp week are our inspiring council fires. The campers plan a theme for cach camp fire, and wo dramatize storios of the stars, of Indian legends, and of our own camp. On Sunday we hevo Chavel in the woods. Hero oech camper, sometime curing the summor, contributes to the beauty and imressiveness of the hour by reading a bit of poetry, a simple story of admirable charactor treits, or joining with some of the others in giving a musical selection. All of you can sce thet we try to keep everything «s informal ss possible, and not regimented. We do get up and go to be by the bugle, however, and come to meals whenever the welcome warning is sounded. There are certain hours for the classes in swimming, and the hour for general swim, but .side from these set times, the program goos its own speed - and very smoothly, too. You didn't mention thet cach camper has time to be by herself to read, write a letter homo, cr mingle with other groups. I think that is overlooked too ofton in summer camps, when each minute of the camper's time is planned for her and she seldom is alone to da as she plooses. Thon 21ls0 <-<-<-- How do you do? Mrs. Grant, its very nice to see you heree Mrs. Grant, this is my counselling staff. Your group certainly looks as if they are very capable, Miss Anderson, and I know Nancy will be well teken care of. I wanted to ask some~ thing about the facilitics for caring for the health of my little girl. Will you tell mo something of how she will live while at camp?