Virginia Joic LeSe Virginia aaa enemmmemmmnamnieiintaetina Margaret Mrs. Grant Maragret wu Zee The food for meals is planned and selected by the camp diotitian and we have well balanced meals, good food, and plenty of it. Breakfast is eaten soon after rising and personal inspection, and the girls find that sleeping in tho fresh air has given thom a hearty appetite even for breakfast. The inspection that I just mentioned, takes place as soon as the girls are dressed and have washod. They must have their teeth cloan, thoir hair combed and brushed, thoir hands and face clean - in other words ~ ready to start the day off right. The bugle for taps blows at nine and tho rising bugle et seven - so you sce each girl is in bed to hear taps, and up before reveille has ended. The girls have little opportunity to become over-fatigued, becauso of the spacing of their very active periods with the moro quiet onese In the afternoon, right after lunch, we heve rest hour, during which the younger girls must sleep, and the older girls may read or write letters in thoir cabins- I should like to ask this one thing of all the parents, that they do not send candy or pastries to the campers. We have open candy store three times 2 week, just after the noon moal, and we think tho girls have adequate chance to fill a longing for sweets at this time. Mr. Grant and I have spent quite a bit of money this winter, giving Nancy music and dancing lessons. I hope tho talent that she has developed will not bo lost during the summer, because it will be hard to start all over again next falle Margaret can tell you just what we do offer along those lines and I'm sure you will be satisfied aftor hearing her Each of the counsellors are here, not only because of general ability in camping, but because we have special interests and abilities. Jane, has had much experience dancing, fotk, modern, and tap and has many plans for the summer programe Elizabeth, majored in dramatics at college, and she will have much to do with our plays, our puppet shows, and pageants» Marion here professes an ability to sing, which we cannot sce, but we do know how well she does in teaching others. She supervises singing at meals, all musical talent shows, and has charge of the Sunday choir. These giris are examples of the special- ists we have in campe That is fine. Anothor thing, Mr. Grant and TI have talked about is, since this is our first cxperience with camps, what exporiences will Nancy have at camp that she could not have on a two woek family vacation trip ~ for instance? She will have an opportunity to moet girls of her own age from many difforont types of homes. Miss Anderson has interviowed the parents of every girl- lookod up her school record, and found out somothing about the girls! character. We have a group of girls, whose paronts are every bit as anxious 46 vox that their daughters should learn how to live with others, share thoir fun, and work togethore Each girl has certain dutios, such as kitchon polico,; making her bed, and doing her part to keop the cabin cleans It is all done in groups so these rathor hum drum tasks are roally fun.