Schlotterbeck Allphin. Schlotterbeck Allphin Schlotterbeck Allphin Schlotterbeck aja and Life Saving of New York City. I rocall the old program of passing numerous persons in the beginncrs and swimmers test, but this new work you are talking about scoms to be much more complete. Go ahead and tell us more of the new set upe Out of this vast amount of informational material the Red Cross has developed six courses of training for all grades of aquatic skill «= beginners swimmers course, iytermediate swimmers coursd, swimmers course, advanced swimmers course, and junior and senior © life saving and wator safety courses. In this series of courses every man, woman, boy or girl will find something suited to his or her ability and skill that will more adequately train them in cop- ing with oxperiences arising out of thoir aquatic sactivitye But, Mre Schlotterbeck, why 211 of this about an activity in which there are only about 7,500 fatalitics a year? That is true, Mr, Allphin, there are only about 7,500 drownings ao year. You might be interested to mow that since 1914 there has been an almost steady decline in the accidental drowning rate fron 10,000 per yoar to the figure we montionede This has come about in spite of the tremendous increase in swimming, boating, fishing and ice slmting as recreational pastimes by the people of Americae. This remarkable record has been made possible only thru the constant efforts of all organizations interested in this field, such as the Red Cross, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, YM. and Y.W.C.As, and all educatiénal institutions. It has been ostimated that 88 million people take part in some form of aquatic sport cach yeare If we arc to continue this fine record and keep down the loss of life and accompanying heartache and financial loss, we must continuc to cdu- cate these 88 million in how to safely participate in this activitye. Education is a slow process and one in which there can be no let up | if desired ends are to be achievede A new slogan of the Red Cross is "Health, Safety and Happiness in Aquatics thru knowledge and skill", Thru its six educational courses the Red Cross hopes to bring to the 88 million people participating in aquatics the know- ledge and skill necessary to attain health, safety and happinesse I am attracted by your statement about "knowledge and skill in aquatics". What do you mean by knowledge and skill nocessary for. safety in swimming? The knowledge nocessary for safcty in bathing consists largely in knowing when, whero, and how much to swime Skill for safety is made up of abilities to meet common hazardous conditions which beset the swimmer from time to time. This is the sum and substance of person al safety in the wator. | Where would you consider to be the safest place for persons to swim? It can be pointed out that persons should always swim under the watchful eye of a trained and experienced life guard and at places whore activity is suporvised. This fact is definitely brought out