Allphin Schlotterbeck Allphin Schlotterbeck Allphin Schlotterbeck Allphin ans by facts which indicate that the greater per cent of our drowmings occur in unsupervised and unguarded areas. ifodern swimming pool construction has made swimming as safe and pleasant as is possible by constructing safe diving structures, safe and regulated water depths, pure water, and sanitary provisions. Persons living in areas where such a swimming facility is available would do well to confine their activities to these areas rather than to seek out the lakes ond streams isolated from supervision and protectione ‘The "Old Swimming Home" that James Whitcomb Riley immortalized is a con- tributing factor to many fatalities among the young boys of our countrys Do you mean that you would limit 211 swimming to organized and public swimming pools? Oh, by no meanse Persons trained and skilled in swimming and who have the knowledge to wisely select the natural swimming places may safely swim most anywhere. But the novice and the untrained and m- skilled would do well to remain.under the watchful cye of persons trained to look out for their safctye By skill for safety do you mean a person's ability to swim, or are there other skills nocessary for safe participation in swimming? Swimming is by all moans the first and most important skill nec- essary for a porson to acquire before participating in any form of aquatic sporte A survey conducted in the State of Minnesota, by the Minnesota Public Safety Cammittce, in 1931-35 dofinitoly brings this oute These findings indicated that 60 por cent of those drowned dur- ing that period wore noneswimmerss; 26 per cont were novice swimmors; and only 14 per cont were listed as expert swimmorse This would in- dicate that a person in order to safcly participate in any form of aquatic recroation should first of a11 “wotor-proof" himself by learn- ing how to swim reasonably welle This is truc coven though he intends to limit his activitics to fishing or boatinge Will you tcll us somothing of the National Aquatic School which will be conducted in this area during the coming summer? Eighteen years ago the First Aid and Lifo Saving Service of tho Red Cross first developed a National Aquatic School for the purpose of training leaders and teachers in the art of teaching First Aid, Life Saving and its related subjocts, This year thore will be 17 such schools in the United Statcs, five of which will bo in the middlo western statese Tho school to service this soction of the comtry will be locatod at Rockaway Beach, Missouri, on Lako Tancycomo, noar Branson, Missourie The dates of the school arc Junc 11-21. Enroll- ment in these schools is open to anyone in sound physical condition who is interested in teaching, First Aid, swimming, life saving, wotor safoty, and boating or canocinge The school at Rockayny Beach will offer a course in accident prevontion primarily designed for those who are intorested only in teaching First Aid and-in studying its related ficld, the general accident prevention programe Thank you very much, Mre Schlotterbeck, for appearing on this broadcast. We are enjoying your work hero, and wish you successe