Allphin Boyce Allphin Boyce Allphin Boyce afjeo baseball program is, it is only a part of what might be had if we really visualized how we might enjoy as adequate park development, and a recreational program that would serve old and young alike. Just who may attend this conferenco on swimming pools} The conference is open to anyone who has any interest in the pro- gram. The meetings will be held in the Auditorium of the Enginecer- ing Building and anyone who is interested at all is welcome to attend any of the mootings. Is there any charge in connection with registration? No, there is no chargee We would bo glad to have anyone registor who is interested. If they wish to attend the dinner to be held at the Union Building, Friday evening at 6:15, thoy should make reservation at least by noon tomorrow, calléng KU. 112. The chargo for the dinner will be 60 cents plus taxe How many do you oxpect to have attend the conference? We have no wey of costimating. We are advised that there will be fifteen hore from Wichita, which is the largest group from any one place. We have a numbor of others, indicating good interest. How- ever, we do not feel that the success or failure of the conference will bo moasured so much by numbers as it will be by whether or not it will resubt in moro intelligent operation of swimming pools in the Statcescecccocccencecse eETEET ETT