Allphin Dill Allphin Dill Allphin Dill Allphin Dill Allphin Dill Allphin Dill Allphin PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR HEALTH Radio Program December 22, 1938. (Mr. He Ge Allphin and Mr. W. A. Dill) Mre Dill, I understand that broadcasting is not exactly a novelty’ to you -- that you give the K. U. News Flashes on the air. Whet are these news flashes? The Ke U. News Flames are a brief newscast four days a week, origin- ally put in to separate lessons in two different foreign languages. How do you give these news flashes? I have a radio in my office, which is across the campus from the radio station, and when the announcer tells the listening audience that news flashes are next, I cut off the radio, and start broadcast- ing ‘ For just two minutes? Right close to two minutes, but being in the midst of the broadcast period I can steal a few seconds, especially if there is a good sports story coming up. Then you broadcast sports? I include a few sports items on the air, but the principal work is in providing sports material for the nowspapers.e The athletic manage- ment has provided Mr. Horace Mason, as sports editor, for the News Burenue And he is goode He knows Kansas sports and knows#it well. He knows every colleges and university player in the Missouri Valley - at least by record, and he knows whet the Kansas boys are doing in high school. Just to show how good ho is: at the high schsol mect in the last Kansas Releys the officials discovered thoy had some 130 boys entered for the 100-yard dashe They didn't know what to do, but Mason was able to pick out a score of cut-standing performers for heat leaders, thus preventing the bringing together of two top- notchers in the same heat -- he just knew his stuff. I take it, then, that you are interosted in sports. Indoed Iam. I agree with Jehn Griffith, Commissioner of the Big Ten, that sports news is clean news. It has all the clash and act- ivity of goneral news, without the sordidness of crime and disaster. But say, wo have gotten over onto the subject of sports. Now, I happen to know thet you are the swimming coach, and there are some things I'd like to ask you. Aftor all, this is supposed to bo a "Physical Education For Hon1th" program. I've already given it away to those fokks out thore listening, that you are the swimming coach, so I'm going to «sk you which sport you think is best for Physical Educe tion. Why, swimming, of course. Now, why do you say that? os Well, swimming gives exercise to the whole body, particuloy ly the