Perry Lapp Perry Lapp ss Sion question is in his second year as director of health and physical education in this Illinois city. Doc, there are other differences in the boys and girls rankings of reasons for taking gym that I thin ought to be pointed out: 52% of the girls expected to learn to be msre graceful, while only 30% of the boys expected to attain grace. There was also the question of taking gym as an aid in developing big muscles: 52% of the boys were interested in big muscles, while only 28% ef the girls were interested in big, musclese Dad, your last statement eught to be re-worded - only 28% of the girls were interested in big muscles for themselves. I suppose that could be a jokes But to get on with the twb a ddition- al comparisons - 35% of the girls were for gym "as an aid in reducing", as against 17% of the boyss And the one reasons listed last for taking gym - get this - was "to get out of the study hall", Both the boys and girls agreed on this.s Mr. Perry a nd I have tried to discuss physical education from the student's standpoint and we would like to leave the air with this thought. The young people in high school are discriminating enough to know that if their teachers of physical education are gentlemen or ladies these teachers will practice and not preach. You cannet fool the youth long on this point. Thank yous