Mr. Perry Dr. Lepp ; ~ 5 ling. By spplying sampling error stetistics to these figures it was possible to show thet if 100 like samp- les of boys rere used the chances would be over 98 out of 100 that the results would be in favor of the exer- cise group. However, in the case of my Westport boys in Kensas City thet difference is alrost a true diff- erence beceuse ve had such a large proportion of the entire group. I em gled the figures creme out so es to esse your mind about causing the influenza, but I ar still wondering what would happen if the study rere to include the girls end to enver e longer period of time. Dad, I am just one jump ahead af you on that point. Girls were included in a follow-up study for the three- week influenze period, end they elso produced results in fevor of daily gymnesium classes. An edditionel study covering a rhole semester geve the sare results for both boys end girls. It seers to me thet we herve a definite cese of "physical educetion for health”. # # #