Dre Allen Miss Dunkel Dre Allen Miss Dunkel Ze sent to the physical education teacher. All these aside aids secm to take up every spare moment, but I really love my job, and I wouldn't trade it for any office job or teaching of other subjects." Splendidg’ My first reaction is to feel that Salina is a for- tunate community to obtain a teacher who enters into her work so wholcheartedlye I do know that parents and school admin- istrators always appreciate this type of service that goes with sincere teachinge And now here are bits from another letter, This one comes from Catherine Dunkel, who is in the high school at Coffey- ville this year. In fact, her letter practically repeats the news in a similar one from Lucille Bottom, who is also new in Coffeyville. Here's what Catherine says, "I have some darling girls in my class, and I'm so excited about their liking moe They are dependable and work like Trojans, and I love working for theme" Then she goes on - 2I was in charge of the con- cession stand at the football game and we cleared $28 for GeAeAe Now I'm working on a tea for Student Congress Conven= tion. And also the faculty wives have asked me to give them & swimming class, so I'm chalking that up on my schedulee Next Thursday I am to give a talk ina girl's assembly on ‘What Propriety and Good Taste Mean in Mixed Company?. PeSe Don't know whether I told you but I'm helping the Junior High school physical education teacher with some modern dance teckniquee"® Well, - when does she have time to teach her physical education classes? Fron her list of extra activities I'd judge that she would have to be a little careful of her own recreatione Well, Dre Allen, you've certainly been in physical education long enough to know that teaching class schedules is almost the smallest part of the things physical education teachers are expected to doe And I think you are’ right in assuming that it is easy for them to overdoe Now, here is a letter from Irene Moll, who is beginning her work this year in Dodge City high school. Perhaps you noticed an item in a recont Journal«World describing the acclaim which greeted her pep squad when they drilled between halves at a Dodge City foot- ball gamee Here's the bit from Irene's letter = "Teaching is fun, isn't it? I am sponsor of GeAedie, Soph. Class, Pep Club, Girl Reserves, and Tumbling Team." Irene then describes hor elasses in physical education, and finally adds, “It sounds as if I have a lot of irons in the fire, but I'm learning to organize my timee All my energies are toward one thing: to- ing the best job of teaching I can, therefore I practically eat, drink and sleep school." Another letter, from Esther Gilkeson, repeats the same kind of news from Medicine Lodge where she is teaching physical education and English.