Dre Allen Miss Dunkel Se Now, Dre allen, do you blame me for getting a glow from read~ ing letters like these? To me the zest stimulating these quotations is the best kind of reward for all the time, work and patience that goes into the profession of teachinge But I'm monopolizing all the timee I happen to know that the men's department sent out some majors last yeare I've already had a heartwarming conversation with Maurice Cannady about his work in the Junior high school right here in Lawrencee Why don't you give us an idea of Maurice's fecling on the subject of being a physical education teacher? Well, Miss Dunkel, I might say that Maurice Cannady has all of the concomitants of the successful teacher. While Maurice is a very promising athletic coach, yet his paramount interest centers in his young chargese He stresses physical cleanli- ness to them, emphasizing that the term 'well-groomed! means clean hands, skin, toeth, hair, nails and feete You know he calls dirty fingernails ‘mourning bands' because of the possible infection that they might carry. He.also calls the boys* attention to the fact that it was the athlete who taught America to take a bath daily instead of one every Saturday night. He knows that if the memory and imagination are kept clean, morale strikes a new highe 4nd then there's Forrest "Frosty" Hardacre, last year’s varsity football and track star, who is coaching and teaching at Ness City, Kansas, "Frosty" was a physical cducation major, a hail=fellow-wellemet, with enthusiasm, personality and leader- ship which will carry hima long waye "Frosty" likes his work immensely, He, of course, wants to kmow all about the foote ball team and about the gang in the Physical Education Depart} mente. When a graduate leaves his alma mater he often learns & new meaning of his loyalty for that institutione Hearing these letters again puts me in that mood of reflection I mentioned when we started talkinges I'm impressed with the fact that not one of these tyro teachers mentiéned liking her or his job because of the salary check, There were no gibes of resentment, eithere I've heard teachers say things like, "Gosh, these bratse I get so sick of herding them that I can't stand the thought of them after the last bell rings." Secondly, there were no complaints about the burdens of extra- curricular duties, but instead an enthusiastic acceptance of every opportunity to be of service to the children, the school and the community. There was no fussing over administration or the local situation. And the next point which I want to bring home is that these young teachers are not only teaching the physical skills and knowledges of physical education, but they are assuming the responsibilities of nurse, health advisor, recreation director, spiritual advisor, club sponsor, entertainment director, and mother confessor.