Dr. Allen: - Miss Dunkel 4 Dre Allen he Yes, Miss Dunkel, and although these duties add to the busy lives of these yomg teachers, they are the very things which make the physical education teacher eapable of exerting more influence on youngstors than any other teacher in school, I wonder if our parents realize how many times students seek out the physical education teacher for aid in personal problems which sometimes they fee 1 they can't even take to their own fathers and mothers. We should be grateful as parents, and as teachors, that education is recognizing the many contri-~- butions to the whole child which physical education can makee In this department the youngster finds an opportunity to satisfy the fundamental cravings and needs of a developing emotional, mental and physical self, The physical education teacher who understands the technics of his or her field and who possesses the true coneept of finc teaching fills a place in the school and community that no other teacher can replaces Yes, the old expression that teaching is a noble profession may seem trite, but to a teacher who has experienced the rich reward of seeing students grow and develop under his guidance that phrase is potent with meaninge Modern education holds forth the ideal of the “artist teacher", - the teacher who achieves a degree of selflessness in using his life to serve and enrich the lives of otherse That kind of teacher never worries about drudgery or routine, for cach new student be-= comes a fresh shallenging opportunity for creative accomplishment. I said at the beginning that the letters wetye discussed made me proud and happy, and I want to repeat that, for they convince me that these young teachers have the "artist teacher" concepte And with that ideal, thoy will act as complenents to the parent and home in guiding children at schoole Thank you, Miss Dunkel, for this friendly fireside chat con- eerming our yomgest teachers out in the field. They are thinking not so much of what they want as of what life wants of them. And either in their presence or their absence you are well pleased with their reponses,. And too, it is the presence of their own imer adequacy which is responsible for the tranquil state of mind which these successful teachers POSSCSS¢ itt