Mr. Allphin Mr. Wolfe Mr. Allphin Mr. Wolfe Mr. Allphin Mr. Wolfe £ tet (2 se - < Mr. Wolfe, which type of gymnastics do you prefer? I prefer tumbling. Thero is preetically no limit to the combin- ation of stunts which can bé performed. In doing various flips and air turns, I can experience somo of the sensations that fly- ers, birds, and divers must feel. Tumbling requires no apparatus and can be indulged in no matter how far you may be from a gymnas ‘iume A picce of grass, © soft stretch of oarth, or beach sand ~« all make splendid places for this sport. To a certain extent tumbling is a safcty monsures I havo never heard of a tumbler falling down stops and breaking an arm or a loge He has learned how to fall without hurting himself. And his training will onable him to keop his foot whore a less agile man would go awspinning. Then, toos it is a-splendid way of gotting a lot of a11 around exorcise in a short timcs For instanco, tumbling, one of the most popular forms of gymnastics, involves the uso of practically overy musclo of the bodys And that use is strenuous enough so that only & comparatively short time spent in tho exorcise several times a wock is sufficiont to koop a man in tip-top physical condition. I would ostimate that it would take twice ss long to get tho samo amount of physical activity in «a game liko tonnis, and perhaps five or six timos as long in a gamo liko golf. To a student who can afford only a short time away from his studios, this consider- ation is importante I beliove thet our football edsaehes rocognize this fact. Haven't the football players here at K. U. been given somo training in tumbling? Yos, tho Department of Physical Education offers a skills course, Number 31M, in which tumbling is included, and a number of the football players have been enrolled in this course Leonard, will you explain how you do the giant swing on tho high bar ¢ The giant swing on the horizontal bar may be compared to the spoke of a wheol revolving around an axle. In this caso the per- former's body is the spoke of the wheel while tho bar to which he holds is the axle, After mounting the bar I push up to 4 hand stands It is the position of my body in the hand stand which furnishes the momontum necessary for the turn around the bar. With the samo motion that carrios me to the hand stand I start falling away from the bar, my body fully extended, and I hang on for doar life to that bar. The momontum my body gains on the down swing, which is sufficiont to carry me through an entire circle around the bar and back up to my original position of a hand stande From that position tho whole swing is repeated again and agaiwe Do you havo any fear of it? * dontt foar the giant swing, but I do have a gonuine respect for ite To bogin with, the bar must be eight feet from the ground, and whon I am standing on my hands on top of that bar looking straight down, it looks cven farther away than that. As the entir revolution around the bar is done with tho body ontonded at full length, the centrifugal force of the swing added to the normal