Bice Hoover Bice Hoover Bice Hoover Bice Hoover Bice ween Camping is an essential part of the Girl Scout program and girls of this vicinity are given a chance to attend tho approved camp at Dovor, Kansas. which is under the auspices of the Topeka Council; tho Pin Oak Camp, Kaisor, Mos, undor tho euspices of tho Kansas City, Mo., Girl Scout Coun cil. At camp the girls learn the fundamentals of physical living. Thoy build lean-tos, erect their tonts, construct fire places, cook out-of- doors, learn to swim and to got along with others. In addition to tho pormanent comping; a day camp is provided during the month of June, which. meets twice each week. Tho activities of this camp consist of nature study, dramatics, archery, and handicraft. The average attendance last summer was around 50 girls. , Who are the local council and how do they oid the troops? The local council is composed of a group of representative women and is chartered by the National Council. It provides the nocossary funds for training its leaders. It is rosponsible for the maintaining of Girl Scout standards under its jurisdiction. The local council of Lawrenco sponsors. only tho activitios in the postal area of Lawrence, It is rosponsiblo for giving the Girl Scouts the Girl Scout program, Some communitics havo comminity committees which are smaller than local counr cils, but whose purpose is to promote and supervise the wolfare of Girl Scoutings. Each troop may have its own committee also who is interosted primarily in one troop alone. How many Girl Scouts are thore in Anobioat Actual membership as of Octobor $1, 1937, WOS Girl Scouts 318,004 Brownics 40,446 Leaders and ; adult members 83,514. Making a total regi stration of 441,964 — Actual membership as roportod in Octobory 1938 was over 500,000. You spoke of the Browmios in your mombership--what are thoy? The Brownies are the girls betwoen the ages of 7 and 10. Their program is separate from the Girl Scouts, yet part of it. Thoy become Girl Scouts at 10. : How many Scout troops aro there in Lawrence? There are 12 registerod troops of Girl Scouts in Lawrence, and two Brownio Packs, Two of the troops aro colored Girl Scouts. Tho organ- ization is non=scctarian and non=partisan. There are Girl Scout troops in 29 aifforont countetos, A chalet for international camping is in Switzerland where girls from all countries como together to live and camp as sister scoutse | iit ttt