Annowicer: Mr. Rapert Dre Wheeler Dr. Wheeler Mr. Raport Dre Wheeler PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR HEALTH November 3, 1938 "Physical Educetion and the New Psychology" (Dre Re H. Wheeler and Mire dim Raport) Wie are breeking in en e conversation between Dre R. Hy Wheeier, internationally Imown authority on psycHolegy, a leading Gestalt psychologist. and head of the Psychology Department here at the Tniversity, aud Mr, Jim He Raport, instructor in Physical Education, who aro discussing psychology and its relation to physical educa- vLone Physical education teachers believe, Dr,» Wheeler, that physical education is far more important for the individual and for the community than most people realize. They believe that physieal education is not only a safeguard for physical health, but also for mental health. Do you as a psychologist subsoriibe to this point of view? Yes, Mrs Report, I ‘think you @re right. While it is true that a certain number of the world's greatest minds have lived in weak bodies, this was because they were determined to accomplish big things in spite of their handicaps. All the evidenee goes to show that when the individual is adequately inspired or encouraged the best minds live in the best bodies. This is true of children as well as of adults, so that every pessible care should be taken to guarantee physical healthe t am glad to hear you say that, Drs Wheeler. But is there not mother important reason why physical education is valuable, es- pecially for the growing child and for youth? Isn't it true that @ Sowid and strong bedy works for better mental health, better attitude of mind, a happier individual? Yes, indeed other things being equal, it is natural for one to take pride im‘ being vigorous, strong, and healthy. Pride generates _ mtal energy, and, as a consequence, the individual is less easi- ly broken mentally by disappointments or failurese In this way physical education is a valwable aid in promoting adequate mental adjustment to life. Here is another question that I would like to ask you, Dre Wheeler, while we are discussing the values of physical education. We hear it said that if a socioty or a nation spent more time in sports and games that they would be more peaceful and leas anxious for wer, Is this true, in your estimation? That is a difficult question to answer. But I believe that human beings, cither as individuals or in groups, are naturally pugnacious. at least to some degree. They are aggressive and selfish. And, until adequately socialized, they will fight in the belief that a