Dunkel-- Hoover -- Sherbon-- Dunkel -- Hoover -- a Now, let me see, Alice, it was only about 1920 when I took my Physical Education here and we were still doing wand drilis, swinging Indian clubs and taking deep knee bends 1-2-3 - 4. Yes, I can remomber those classes with 90 and 100 students in them. But really setting up exercises and drills were about all you could do with that large a class in our size gymnasium and in those days physical edu- cation -- But it wasn't physical education then, it was physical culture - those were tho muscle building days. Then after the war, with its omphasis on discipline, we had physical training, discipline and precise. Very true. This concept of physically cduccting a person is comparatively recent and it is a direct outgrowth of modern ideals in general education. I remember just when that change from the formal type of work was made at Kansas, for it was during my first year here, in 1921. I will nevor forget how Miss Barto, who was head of the Physical Education dopartment at that timc, had just come directly from Columbie Univorsity, and was imbued with tho idea of an elective sports, swimming and dancing programe So she and I divided our 90 or so into smaller groups end allowed them a choice of several recreative activities. One or two members of the orig- inal staff refused to cooperate and would not rut their classes into the elective program, because they emphatically felt that was not physical training. Sherbon --But why in the world were there over such large classes as 90 and 1002 Hoover -- Well, it seems the war had something to do with that situation too, for Sherbon-- Dunkel -- Sherbon-- Hoover -- with the great interest in physical fitness for soldiers, the Board of Regents ruled all students, women as woll as men, should take Physical Educatione Dr. Shorbon, who was the woman's physician at that time, recalls with no pleasure the conditions undor which sho was forcod to moct these domands. Imegine! - one physical education instructor, 400 students, a small gymnasium, 1 shower, no dressing rooms and very little equipment. So you can see with Physical Education required how tho classes had to be largo to accommodate them. Speaking of roquired Physical Education -- it isn't required now, is it? No, that's the result again of forces outside our control. Retrenchment made necessary by the depression reduced the teaching staff so that it was impossible to accommodate a required enrollment, so the program was mode elective and given full academic crodite Yell, that is one step forward becauso many schools are werking toward credit for Physical Education. But I still wonder about the fully electire program. How do you feel about it, Miss Hoover? In a state that does not insure adequate Physical Educstion for its boys and girls during their grade and high school yoars, I feel that a Physical Education requirement in college-is neccessary.