Dunkel -- Decidedly. Sherbon --Of course, I am speaking about women's athleticse But since you are here, Dre Allen, I would really like to know your philosophy concerning men's competitive athletics. Do you feel that the same ovils exist in men's competition? : | Dr. Allon-Yes, Miss Shorbon, there is alwsys some evil connected with the bost of things. Some of our friends are not able to differentiate between com- petitive athletics which are played for the fun of it by the athletes par- ticipating, and competitive athlctics which cre played for the huge fin- ancial income therefrom. The first is still sport but the latter is 2 huge business - not a sport. Professional baseball and professional foot- ball are not sports. They belong to the business realm. Dunkel -- And no less objectionable to women is the aping of men's style of play and mannorisms, which makes for unwholesome behavior. The masculine, blatant girl who goes into professional athlctics is no representative of the mcdern physical educetion ideal for women. In your opinion, Dr. Allen, is there any one who typifies the modern ideal of woman? Dre Allen~Yes indecd, Miss Dunkel, I have in mind Holen Wills Moody, artist, poet, scholar and athlete, a product of the now generation of womon. Haig Patigian, sculptor, in his studio in San Francisco, completed a bust of Helen Wills called "Helen of California". A Western magazine, commenting on this work, said: "There is a new type of beauty abroad in tho land. Her beauty is something more than mere candy-box prottiness for it rises from within. Her intellectual life, her physical ruggedness, and hor artistic gift oach heve their share. Thore is something that shines cut of the Helen Wills bust that is spiritual in charactor, - something not accounted for by the regular features, tho shapely throat, the level brow. I began to study, to find a namo for the thing that struck me as it has struck the art world of half a dozen nations. and the word that I found for it is “poise®. Sherbon --Well, I hear lots of talk about the physical eduestion typee I'd like to know what is meant by that "typo". Hoover -- That idea of type has persisted as a rosult cf the days when women in phys- ical educntion thought they had to wear ground grippers, sailor hats, tail- ored suits. Dunkel -- And most of thom neckties, Fortunately, that species is practically ox- tinct by now and its ideal is obsolcte. Hoover -= Our modern program of physical education with its very complete dance pro- gram, opportunities for participation in darts, tennis, ping pong; horse- shoes, swimming, badminton, and co-educational recreation offers an appoal to every type of girl. No longer is the gymnasium attractice only to ver- sity girls with great athletic ability.